88% of children do not consume the recommended fruit

It seems clear that children have trouble eating fruit, although rather it is a problem of all, older included. Because if we had the established habit of eating several pieces of fruit and vegetables a day, and we offer them to the kids, I am sure that the trend would be different.

But according to the study "Innovation and development for the marketing of campaign fruits in children and young people", prepared by the Association of Families and Women of the Rural Environment (AFAMMER), 88% of children and young people eat less than 15 pieces of fruit a week, well below the 20 weekly pieces considered recommended by experts.

This is a study done with data from Castilla-La Mancha, Andalusia and the Valencian Community, with very similar results and that we can surely extrapolate to the rest of the communities. None of the meals of the day reaches the recommended amount of fruit, especially breakfast (precisely the "most important" food), where the lowest figures are.

And is that one of the highlights is low consumption of fruit at breakfast since only 28% of children and young people in Castilla-La Mancha, 26% in Andalusia and 22% in the Valencian Community eat some piece of fruit at the first meal of the day, in which dairy products prevail .

The report also underlines the low consumption of fruit at recess and snack, and the fruit as a dessert does not have a large presence in the diet of children and youth of these three autonomous communities.

In the end, the consumption of fruits is low not only when we talk about the little ones, but about the families as a whole since 60% of the families do not get to consume even one piece of fruit a day and very few people which include three pieces of fruit daily, which is the minimum recommended consumption.

Remember that low fruit consumption favors obesity, in addition to causing other pathologies in adulthood, such as cardiovascular risks ...

That is why it is adults who must look to what extent we are used to eating fruits and vegetables every day, or if we make a full breakfast, because if we follow healthy habits, our children will too.

Video: Top 10 Fruits With Highest Water Content. Amazing World (July 2024).