What Google says about children and motherhood

Most people use Google as an internet search engine on a daily basis. Mothers and fathers make use of the same search engine when they want to know something about babies, mothers, breast milk, artificial milk and anything related to their children.

Google has a system called Google Suggestions, which consists of making suggestions to the Internet as we type in the search bar.

There are people who have taken advantage of this tool to discover what people are looking for in Google and know funny, witty or misplaced statements (if you put "Esperanza Aguirre es", suggestions like "a raccoon", "god", "lina morgan" appear) or "immortal"). So I have decided to do the same to know what does Google say about children and motherhood, among other things.

I think I have covered a few, but if you want to find more, you are free to do so to test the system. What would we do without Google.

Video: Jodie Sweetin Gets Real About Motherhood: 'Kids Are Dumber Than You Think' (July 2024).