State of emergency declared in a New York County because of the measles outbreak that continues to increase

In recent months, the increase in measles outbreaks worldwide has not stopped being news. Between the anti-vaccine movement and the disinformation that circulates in social networks, vaccination rates have decreased significantly, endangering the health of thousands of people.

Because In a New York County, measles cases have increased rapidly in recent months, declared a state of emergency, and for 30 days, the stay in closed public spaces will be prohibited to minors who are not vaccinated.

Through a press conference held on Tuesday, the Rockland County government in New York informed the community that it is officially declared a state of emergency and for one month the access and permanence in closed public places to minors who are not vaccinated against measles will be prohibited, at least until they receive at least one dose of said vaccine.

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If after 30 days they have not yet been vaccinated, your case will go to the district attorney's office and parents must give account for it. This excludes those who cannot get vaccinated for medical reasons and also excludes public spaces that are outdoors or outdoors.

The measure arises after the 153 confirmed cases of measles that have been reported in that county since October last year until yesterday, and in accordance with the statements issued during the press conference, the intention behind this is to protect the most vulnerable people:

We must do everything in our power to end this outbreak and protect the health of those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons, of children who are too young to be vaccinated and of all who are at risk.

Last year, not only one, but seven unvaccinated travelers diagnosed with measles entered our country between October 1 and 17, causing 153 confirmed cases. This is the largest measles outbreak in the United States since the disease was officially eradicated in 2000.

The statement, which was broadcast live through the county government's Facebook page, has been received with different reactionsWell, there are those who applaud that measures are taken to control the outbreaks that continue to increase, while others seem exaggerated and abuse against the freedom of the citizens of the county.

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In recent months, unvaccinated traveling children and adults have reintroduced measles to countries where it was already eradicated, and outbreaks around the world are proof that measures need to be taken to counteract the anti-vaccine movement and prevent the tragic consequences that can bring to the most vulnerable.

Video: US county declares emergency over measles outbreak (July 2024).