Sleep quality

There are a number of factors that improve baby sleep quality, these measures are very easy to fulfill and help our son very much.

The temperature of the room where your baby sleeps should be around 18-20 degrees, this is the right temperature for your sleep. We must ensure that the atmosphere of the room is not too dry, one of the main causes of this dryness is heating, therefore, if necessary, we must install the humidifying device.

The baby needs to have a freedom of movement that allows him to change his position, so it is not advisable to hold the sheets so that he does not uncover. Heat and cold damage the baby's sleep, it should not be too warm, although the fear that it is uncovered and cooled is latent, so it is best to put on a chubby pajamas and not wear the blanket. Dinners also influence your sleep, eating too light dinner helps you wake up at night because of hunger, on the contrary, a very copious dinner hinders digestion and disrupts your sleep.

It also helps a lot to avoid very long or late naps. One advice that many pediatricians give is to take the baby for a walk every day, whatever the season, except when it is snowy or windy. A good walk in the open air, sheltering it well, is always very beneficial for sleep.

Routine also helps your sleep, lying down and always getting up at the same time is a way to habituate and adapt your biological clock. One of the risks that most parents run is to walk it with the stroller or rock it, either between the arms or in the crib to fall asleep. This is not good for him, since what we must try is to give him facilities so that he learns to sleep alone and is a natural act.

Tiring him forcefully so that he sleeps at night is a mistake, since in reality, he will not fall asleep well and then the next day he will be more irritable and more nervous. It is best to avoid games that excite you too much before the time you have set to go to sleep.