Diary of my third "pregnancy": and Guim was born

About seven months ago I started writing a series of entries related to my third "pregnancy", that between quotation marks because, obviously, the pregnant one is not me. I explained to you what my first feelings were, I told you that iodine seemed to be the culprit of my wife's discomfort (although weeks later she was ill again without taking it) and what my concerns were about the current situation, I introduced you to Guim in ultrasound when we found out that he was a child, I told you about the wait when there were few weeks left and I explained that I was preparing for a new parenthesis in my life in which the little free time that remained with two children was practically going to disappear again, with the arrival of Guim.

After all this, on March 22 Guim arrived. He was born a few days before the (im) probable date of childbirth, which was April 1, but luckily he was born at term (we had our fears after the premature birth of our second child).

Today I show you this photo that we took in the arms of his brother Aran, 3 years old, when he had about 5 days to live. Now he has more than three weeks now and today, just today, I get back to work. Today my parental leave has ended, which has turned out to be 20 days (plus 3 of the agreement) because it is the third child.

In the next few days, with more time and calm, I will tell you how was the delivery, how I feel before the arrival of my third child and other related things with the event

Video: Diary of a Wimpy Alien 8 THE THIRD RESURRECTION Wimpy Kid Alien Terminator Parody (July 2024).