Cepillín, Cepillán: teach your child the importance of brushing his teeth

Following the post on whether children brush their teeth by themselves, I have looked for resources that make it easier for parents to ensure the oral hygiene of children. Brush, Brush teaches children the importance of brushing their teeth, through varied resources.

"Cepillín, Cepillán" is a health education program aimed at schoolchildren from three to five years old, their families and kindergarten teachers, developed by the General Directorate of Public Health of the Canary Health Service.

The program, in collaboration with the Directorate General for Educational Planning, Innovation and Promotion of the Ministry of Education, has been running for a few years now, and on the Internet we find some resources available that can help us with our children, from information leaflets to songs.

And it is that without a doubt another good way to encourage children to brush their teeth are children's songs, and here we have discovered a version of the famous "Sawdust, sawdust", but with "Cepillín, Cepillán", the kids will love it.

Especially interesting for parents, I found the Guide for teachers and healthcare staff, a 2010 document that addresses topics such as health education, teething, fluoride, bacterial plaque, tooth decay, diet, habits harmful, trauma ... and finally everything related to oral health.

Finally, we remind you of our tips for the care of baby teeth, and we recommend you take a look at the program Brush, Brush to teach kids the importance of brushing their teeth, with a song and much more.

Official Site | Canary Islands Government In Babies and more | Pepi Bath Lite, learning on the iPad to clean and put the washing machine, How to clean the baby's teeth, How to encourage them to brush their teeth