"The colors of flowers", explaining the invisible

Recently we saw the beautiful representation of the world of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder through beautiful images. Today I would like to introduce you another way of transferring to the world what it means to have an alteration at the sensory level, in this case the view.

As it happens many times, it is the children who most of the time, with their innocence and their incredible ideas, help us understand them better and know what it feels like when you don't know how to explain something. And this is the case of "The colors of flowers".

In this video we can meet Diego, a small blind child from birth who is assigned by his teacher, along with the rest of his classmates, a very special task: describe what are the colors of the flowers. Apparently it seems something simple, although we have to keep in mind that you must explain something that you have not been able to perceive with your own eyes.

It should be noted that, with the exception of the script prepared to carry out the video, both the small protagonist, as well as the rest of the people who leave, everything is real, which gives a more truthful touch to what they want to convey with this little video .

And you, would you know how to describe the colors of the flowers? And even harder, would you know how to explain something you've never seen ...?

Video | Youtube On Babies and more | Baby & Me, the latest video of dancing babies that is already a rage on YouTube, Video: "For four corners of nothing", Video: differences between a malnourished child and another fed with breast milk, "Academy of Specialists", comprising a little more the autism.

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