A chemical present in plastics and resins can pose a serious risk to the health of babies

A group of experts has just announced the risks that a chemical that is present in some plastics and resins used for the manufacture of different components and utensils (plastic bottles used for feeding babies, plastic boxes of CDs and DVDs, etc.). It is the BPA (bisphenol-A), a product that can also cause adverse effects on reproductive health.

These are some initial conclusions that will need new studies to corroborate them, but the first tests and experiments carried out with laboratory animals show the possibility that exposure to this product can cause birth defects and some problems in the development of babies. The product in question had previously been related to the appearance of cancer or attention deficit among other problems. How do you get in touch with this component? Through some everyday products as we mentioned before, but in the case of babies, bottles, toys, etc., depending on the amount of BPA enclosed in the composition of the plastic, the degree of danger is greater or lesser, although in all grades it affects babies.

Future moms who come into contact with this chemical have the risk of incorporating it into the bloodstream and consequently, the product reaches the future baby and can cause the risks of malformation. As we have said before more studies will be necessary, but the alarm voice has already been given.

Video: Elevated Levels Of Chemical In Maynard Drinking Water May Pose Risk To Pregnant Women, Infants (July 2024).