Teenagers are the second age group with the highest drowning rate: precautions for a safe summer

Both in Spain and in other countries around us, drowning is one of the main causes of infant mortality in the first years of life. But when our children reach adolescence, the risk of drowning increases again. So much so, that the World Health Organization (WHO) has included it in the list of the greatest health risks for adolescents.

We explain why drowning increases at this stage of life and what parents can do to help our children enjoy a safe summer.

Adolescents, second group with the highest rate of drowning

According to experts, after four years the risk of drowning is reduced, because it is easier to talk with children about the dangers of water and the importance of always bathing under the supervision of an adult. In addition, at that age most already have notions of swimming, and although we must never trust or let our guard downNo doubt knowing how to swim can avoid many accidents.

When our children reach adolescence, the risk of drowning soars again. Specifically, the age range that registers the second highest index is that between 15 and 19 years. In Babies and more The three stages of adolescence and what to expect in each of them

In most cases, these drowning occur due to lack of vigilance. And is that the teenager seeks to enjoy and bathing with your peer group without parental supervision. In addition, to the dangers that the sea or swimming pools can entail, there are also other bodies of water such as lakes, rivers and ponds, which frequent with friends on their excursions or outdoor camping.

Why do drowning increases in adolescence?

Experts say that the increase in drowning occurs due to three factors, mainly:

  • Teenagers tend to overestimate their skills, either because they consider that they are capable of doing things for which they are not really prepared, or because they feel pressured by their peer group, and seeking their acceptance they reach the limit of their physical resistance and their abilities in the water.

  • The part of the brain that controls complex decision making is still developing and this can lead to underestimate certain dangerous situations.

  • Sometimes teenagers can reach mix alcohol and bath, putting their lives at serious risk, because alcohol consumption produces blurred vision, loss of balance, slow reflexes and less physical resistance in the water. Not surprisingly, according to the Healthy Children portal, between 30 and 70% of teenage drowning occur after consuming alcohol.

Other dangers that arise around the time of bathing are related to dives, head jumps, baths in water bodies of which the teenager does not know the type of tide, background, aquatic fauna ... or sunstroke and cuts of digestion

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What precautions should our teenagers have in the water?

Prevention from childhood and fluid communication between parents and children is very important. In this way, our children they will grow up being aware of the importance of taking precautions and avoid risk behaviors.

Even so, when we reach adolescence it is important that parents supervise the following:

  • We have to make sure that son He knows how to swim fluently and has water resistance. This is possible if we have taken you to swimming lessons since childhood and have encouraged the practice of sports and water games. But if not, it is never too late to take classes.
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  • We must instill the importance of always swim in company, do it during the day and in places equipped for the bathroom that, if possible, have a lifeguard. In addition, it is essential to ensure that they are aware of taking the relevant safety measures when entering the water, throw yourself upside down or respect the signs, for example.

  • If our son is going to go out to navigate with a group of friends, it is essential that you always go aboard with a life jacket.

  • Everyone, big and small, should have notions of first aid. In the case of teenagers it is essential that know how to act in case of danger, because this could save the life of a partner at any given time.

Photos | iStock

Video: Keeping Kids Safe Near Water (July 2024).