Do you want your short-term memory to work better? If the answer is yes, spend less time on the Internet

Erik Fransen is a researcher at the KTH Royan Institute in Stockholm, and also belongs to an institution that studies the human brain. His knowledge of this important body leads him to affirm that "the brain" It is designed to remain partially inactive, which helps consolidate short-term memory. Theories about the functioning of memory help us understand the need for a balance between activity / inactivity, so that the transfer of information from the outside to our brain, do not exceed our ability to process.

Having the brain always busy, also prevents this "clean" everything you do not need, optimizing this operation. And now we come to the crux of the matter: because Fransen argues that When a person spends too much time "online", this can lead to overloading the brain, since it is exposed to too much information, of which not all will be archived (so from a practical point of view, it would not make much sense). And is that the "working memory", or short term, which is what filter and search the information we need, it is an unlimited resource, and its continuous exposure to Social Networks or other Internet content only reduces its capacity.

Better then, that we give our brain more free time, without fear of wasting its potential, because it is just the opposite that we will achieve: a healthy work memorandum prepared to work perfectly. And if we still doubt the importance of this memorial function, I have to say that it is just the one that intervenes in communication functions, that is, we need it in a good way to remember and share information, yes, in real life (not in line).

Because do you know when you're communicating? When you talk and listen, when you write, when you think, when you read ...

So if you thought that trying to know everything, or store a lot of information, while browsing the Internet, or relating through Social Networks, it will help your brain to assimilate, process and conveniently use everything you receive ... you're wrong.

You know: take care and help that wonder that you have inside the skull, and that is responsible for so many other functions, will work better and thank you. And by the way: tell your teenage children too, and if they are still small, limit Internet time. In addition to this, there are many reasons to do so, among them that can cause addiction.

Video: Speed Learning: Learn In Half The Time. Jim Kwik (July 2024).