"Children without violence": the UN asks that children be protected from violence in bullfighting shows

The UN has requested all member states of the organization the protection of minors from the violence inherent in bullfighting shows, and has done so through the Committee on the Rights of the Child.

I remember this previous post, which detailed the conclusions of some studies that pointed to a negative impact on the child development of animal abuse (on that occasion there was more specific talk about the one being televised, obviously it could be extended to when children witness it)

The first country that has been 'evaluated' by the UN has been Portugal, and the subsequent report has two clear warnings: increase the minimum age to enter bullfighting schools to 12 years (Horror! At what age are they allowed to access now?), And also to participate in the runs; and place in the six years the minimum age to attend as spectators. The promoter of this movement of the International Organization, has been the Franz Weber Foundation (UN collaborator), which in the framework of the campaign “Childhood without violence”, highlights that children who participate in bullfighting events, 'have to violently hurt bulls, and that many times they are victims of accidents'.

The Committee on the Rights of the Child has evidenced its concern about the impact that violence in these shows may have on the physical and mental well-being of children

And it seems that not only the fact of witnessing and participating in violence can have a negative impact on minors, because a joint study by the Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Swansea in Wales, analyzed the effects (in children) of witnessing bullfights of bulls on television. And it was discovered that the verbal messages that accompany these retransmissions have significant consequences in the aggressiveness, anxiety, and emotional impact levels of boys and girls between eight and 12 years old (and more in boys than in girls).

Naturally, the Parliamentary Association for the Defense of Animal Rights has shown its joy at the UN's pronouncement against children attending and participating in these events. Expect now the reactions of the UN member states Regarding this initiative that I personally also celebrate, it is certainly a step forward.

Since the APPDA, promotion has also been requested at all levels of education, about animals, expressly excluding bullfights from educational content.

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