Mr. Richard Dawkins: Fairy tales are not harmful to our children

Last year I met Richard Dawkins for controversial statements in which he claimed that some scandals related to child sexual abuse were exaggerated, and he also talked about "soft pedophilia" (as if both words could go together). The point is that this evolutionary biologist, disseminator, and atheist, it was against different organizations of Child Protection, and it is not for less.

Well, now he has set his sights on the so-called "fairy tales", since he is convinced that They are harmful to children, by instilling a worldview that includes the supernatural. In addition, Mr. Richard Dawkins says that choosing this type of reading for children harms them in the sense that it inhibits their ability to be skeptical, and to know science more rigorously.

I tell you that fairy tales have little to do with the popular ones, since the former include many fantastic elements, and recreate legends (an example of them is "Thumbelina"); versus the seconds that are based on the best known worlds, and therefore more real than children perceive

And having said that, I must tell Richard Dawkins that if he has children nearby (grandchildren, nephews, children, children of friends ...) he can read what he wants, that we will do the same. Because entering a fantasy world by opening the covers of a story, it won't hurt our children.

It's just my opinion, but that children are read Fairy Tales, it has little to do with curiosity towards the environment (towards science by extension), or with their ability to think and question the world. And this is because the child knows how to differentiate perfectly, at least after the age of seven or eight; It is also that no father tells his son that it is true that there are mermaids, or that a magic wand can turn the pumpkin into a sumptuous carriage.

In any case, if something moves the child's ability to decide and to think for yourself (in terms of readings, it is understood) is to be allowed to choose. And in this sense I know six-year-old children who only want adapted science books, other nine-year-olds who have read so much (and so varied) that they need to rest from reading a year, some more that does not conform to the best known versions of popular stories, and even who is able to read fairy tales, astronomy books, and comics ... all at once.

The children's brain is plastic, so they are able to adapt to different types of reading knowing the differences and knowing how to distinguish the writer's message.

And even if they are children, they are smart, so we should not worry about such wrong ideas. Fairy tales and popular ones ... have been with families for many years, accompanying the children at bedtime, and will continue to be.

By the way, my children have read (the little one still does) fairy tales, and many types of children's literature, despite this I can assure you that they know how to think and differentiate.

Video: Atheism vs Kreeft (July 2024).