A relaxing weekend together

We lead a life in which we hardly find a quarter of an hour to relax and not do anything other than "nothing at all". Just let the day go by and things start coming up by themselves. Sounds good right?

Keep reading the reasons why I think we need A weekend of relaxing together.

Do you remember those weekends of your childhood in which the day was simply going on without any other claim? When all that mattered was playing, watching TV or simply moving from one sofa to another? No hurry, no stress for what is coming now, just let everything go by. Why do we need relaxing weekends?

Being able to talk to each other and tell everything that happened to us, we think or just tell stories

In the day to day we do not have too much time to talk, during meals or at certain times, but they are so short that it really does not matter and if you also have some children like mine who have a hard time telling you things to have a whole day So that the conversations arise, it is very important.

Eat well, healthy and all together

No matter what the hours, really what you eat is not taking advantage of the time to prepare a meal among everyone, in which everyone participates and thus take advantage of that time to enjoy it together.

Let the children be children

Let them go out to the street, to run, to climb the sites, to step on the puddles, to roll on the ground. Let them get dirty and dirty, remember that we are on the weekend of relaxation.

Watch a movie together

It can be a pleasant experience.

Dust the games

That game that occupies so much and that you never take out of the closet or that one that is better to play when we are all together. Today can be a good day to get them out.

Do nothing

Simple, right? We let the day go by and it's the hours that set the pace for us, we can be in bed all together, on the couch, in the garden, walking in the park, etc.

Video: a relaxing weekend vlog in utah (July 2024).