Nine things we care about, that your baby doesn't care about at all

From the moment we know that we are going to be parents, we are invaded by a feeling of concern for everything related to our son. If we will be good parents, what will we do when he gets sick, what will we call him, will we make him happy, etc. There are many questions that will remain unanswered for quite some time, because we will see that it is something to deal with on a day-to-day basis, but there are many other concerns that occupy us much of the day and that take away energy that really, if we think about it well, they should not be a cause for concern, because there are much more important things and of course the one who will not care is the protagonist of the story, here I leave you with the nine things we care about, that your baby doesn't care about

If you were born from natural or cesarean delivery

One of the great concerns before your arrival. What is better? Will I have milk with a C-section? It is that babies born by caesarean section are more rosy. I still can't find any child who cares in the least the way he was born. They like to hear the story of how they arrived and most importantly, what and they are here.

If they are dressed in blue, pink or charcoal gray

I have witnessed real discussions about putting this or another model on the baby, that if girls dress like this, that if boys do it this way. Do you really think they care about the color, if they are ironed or full of lamparones to the ears? The only thing that mattered to my children was if I put on a shirt with animals, because that was how they imitated the sound.

How do you stay in the family photos

Don't take me aside that I have a lot of nose. Small dark circles I have in this photo. Look, here you had ripped pants. None of that will matter to you, at least not until you reach puberty.


If it is natural food or prepared potito what you feed

What matters to the child is that you feed him and that what he likes, unfortunately, the effort you have used to prepare it or the elements you have used will only matter to you, so do not despair if you do not He wants to eat it and prefers what you get from the pharmacy, there will be time to appreciate those things.

That you are naked, sitting in the bathroom or cutting your nails

Until in a few years, back in adolescence, your child will care very little if you walk naked at home, if you are peeing or whatever you do, all he wants is to be with you, so take him with you . It is something that every mother knows, as soon as the first child arrives your privacy will come out the window.

How many photos you have of him at home, on mobile or on social networks

No, he won't count them. But beware, that this can change with the presence of another brother and if as in many cases, for each photo of the child you have 150 of the oldest. There maybe you find a problem, but easy to solve.

May you always be late

It matters little that you go to the race all day and that you reach the sites with your tongue out, the important thing for him is that you are there, the rest of the world can wait.

Your look

Believe me, neither your best friend, nor your partner, nor your mother will see you as beautiful regardless of the circumstances as your children. It does not matter when you have washed your hair, combed or changed clothes, for your children you will be the most beautiful. Enjoy the moment.

What you give away for your first birthday or what the kings bring you

Many times we go crazy looking for the ruler with more lights and sounds in the store and like us, his grandparents, uncles and friends turn to the little one having the best. And then we remain with our mouths open when he prefers to play to break the packaging paper.