Recipes for the whole family: Turkey stew with mashed potatoes, apple pie and more delicious stuff

One more week, like every Thursday, we bring you a new entry for our section of Recipes for the whole family With ideas for children to try our dishes, eat more varied and move away a little from the typical children's menu of batters and chips.

They are recipes made by our partners of Direct to the Palate and Vitónica and today we will have magnificent recipes of dish and some desserts to give a little variety.

Dish recipes

  • Green smoothies recipes: well, they are actually a dish, or a glass, or wherever you prefer, but it is an excellent way to add fruits and vegetables to the children's diet.
  • Turkey stew with mashed potatoes gratin: an ideal recipe for those days that you don't know very well what to do, because with this dish you already solve the whole meal. Then a light and ready dessert.
  • Recipe of chicken meatballs with tomato (photo): a great way to eat the chicken in an unusual presentation, and with the adored by children fried tomato.
  • Orange focaccia recipe: a very versatile dish, because it can be offered for lunch, but also at other times of the day in smaller portions. A combination of sweet and savory of the most original.
  • Tandoori pork tenderloin skewers: ideal for when we want them to scatter a little and eat for themselves. The only thing, cut the tips of the skewers once prepared.
  • Lemon puff pastry and feta cheese: a quick recipe with proven flavors and puff pastry, which children usually like.

Desserts recipes

  • Apple pie (main photo): a compilation of great apple pie recipes, a mythical dessert that you always like.
  • Cortadillos: it is a recipe for Thermomix, of a little showy but very delicious dessert.
  • Two ingredient chocolates (photo): let's see if children are going to think that the only chocolates that exist are chocolate. With this recipe you can eat dates and almonds, possibly a healthier combination.

And that's all for today. Enjoy these recipes very much and don't forget that next Thursday we will return with more ideas For the dishes of the week.

Video: Colcannon Soup and Turkey Sandwiches- FFF Thanksgiving Leftover Meals (May 2024).