A mother personalizes hearing aids so that her deaf child is proud to wear them

We would do anything for them. And more, if possible, when our child has a disability and has to live with her every day. Turning defects into virtues, inconveniences into advantages is a good premise for life and that is what a mother of the United Kingdom has done, who has come up with customize hearing aids so that your child and other deaf children, instead of being ashamed, feel proud to wear them.

It reminds me of the case of a mother who invented a harness so that her son with cerebral palsy can walk and then has been so successful that it has helped many children with disabilities to get up. This mother, 29, is sure to help many deaf children as well.

His son Freddie was diagnosed with profound deafness when he turned 3 months old and had to have surgery to implant the hearing aids that would allow him to hear.

But Freddie didn't wear the hearing aid well and his mother constantly heard his complaints. He didn't like feeling different from the rest of his friends. That's why he came up with an idea: turn hearing aids into something special: decorate them like superheroes, princesses and other children's characters.

He started putting stickers on the hearing aid and then the idea evolved to those that today, some kits to customize hearing aids and that children can carry them with confidence. A great idea!

Video: Mom Creates Brilliant Way To Help Kids With Hearing Aids Feel Confident (May 2024).