Nine changes in your body that may surprise you after having a child

After childbirth, many changes occur in the woman's body, from the most obvious that is how the belly is reduced to more unknown ones. Today we talk about those changes in your body that may surprise you after having a child, when you look in the mirror and ask yourself, but what is this?

You will hear about some changes in childbirth preparation classes or read them in the "pregnant bible" on duty, but others might surprise us because they have been overlooked, because nobody told us. Here is a warning of navigators, so that nothing catches you by surprise after giving birth.

Is it normal to sweat so much?

Most women who have given birth will notice that they sweat a lot for a few days This excess postpartum sweating is a normal physiological function and nothing worrisome. During pregnancy there has been an increase in water in the tissues that will be eliminated during the first weeks of the puerperium through urine and sweat. Do not forget to replenish fluids to stay hydrated and maintain adequate hygiene measures to not feel bad in this regard.

The feet in the postpartum

As we have noted, that the belly reduce its size is expected, but it may surprise you to see how quickly the feet dwarf after childbirth, when at the end of pregnancy they looked like boots and you couldn't fit any previous shoe from how swollen they were. And it is that the swollen feet in pregnancy are very frequent, especially in the third trimester, due to the edema produced by the excess fluid in the tissues and that affects mainly feet and ankles.

In the postpartum period, the body begins to regulate fluid retention and, unless you are immobilized (for example, a caesarean section may favor swelling of the feet), the limbs will recover their previous size. Of course, it does not mean that you have to go back to the heels, you probably need for a few weeks a comfortable footwear that allows you to rest and promotes circulation.

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The belly in the postpartum

Yes, the belly is reduced right after giving birth thanks to the work of the misfortunes or contractions postpartum. But let's not think that it will look like in the magazine ads or in the photo shoots of the models. It is normal for the belly to be flaccid because the abdominal muscles stretch during pregnancy.

With the passing of the months, a good diet and the practice of exercise we will gradually recover its size and previous consistency. Although this may never be achieved and nothing happens if we are healthy. The issue of stretch marks, for example, is one that we will have to live with, as we see in a next section.

Skin changes, better or worse?

If the hormonal changes affected your skin for the worse, after delivery you will most likely see the complexion and skin in general improve. Although spots such as chloasma usually take longer to disappear (a few months), acne or pimples of pregnancy give way to softer and smoother skin.

On the other hand, keep in mind that the stress and fatigue of the first days after delivery can cause the skin to have more imperfections, to see the most marked wrinkles ... Nothing that does not improve with a good rest (that will come, although In these moments do not see the moment!).

Changes in stretch marks

About stretch marks (they usually make their appearance in the belly, breasts or hips), after childbirth they will gradually become clearer, although their complete disappearance is impossible. Anyway, remember that postpartum is a key moment to treat stretch marks.

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Breast Changes

Although the body and especially the breasts have been preparing for nine months for the arrival of the baby, it is now when you will notice the most important changes in the breasts, when the rise of milk occurs and some inflammation appears and the breasts increase in volume with breastfeeding. You may also notice changes in the nipples and areolas, not only in size but also in color.

I drop my hair!

Often, pregnant women grow their hair faster thanks to profuse blood flow and increased estrogen, but after birth, growth arrest and a decrease in hair volume with a significant fall between two and five months postpartum ("telogen effluvium"). Later we return to our previous volume and growth rate, about a year after giving birth.

Where are my nails?

Like hair and skin, nails suffer surprising changes during postpartum associated with hormonal alteration. If in pregnancy they had grown significantly and were strong, after the birth of the baby we will notice that they break easily and weaken by layers.

The scale smiles at us

Something that may surprise (positively!) Women after childbirth is how quickly we lost weight the first few days. In a few hours, the uterus weighs half, we remove retained fluids, the volume of blood circulation drops, the placenta is removed, the amniotic fluid, the baby is no longer inside ... Everything makes us easily lose six kilos "at a stretch" (the pull of childbirth).

A month later, the uterus has returned to its normal size and weight. But let's not think that we will be at our previous weight. Normally, after the rapid weight loss of the first days, the scale begins to stop and we have to exercise and maintain a proper diet to gradually lose those extra pounds, along with breastfeeding that is a great ally in this regard.

And you, Were you surprised by any of these changes in the body after delivery? Did you live any of them in a special way? Or did they go unnoticed among so many emotions of the first days with the baby?

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