Breastfeeding and breastfeeding is not the same

No, it is not the same, but neither should shock us. But it turns out that, as we have seen so many times, A lot of the staff are bothered that a woman breastfeeds her baby in public. As I did on other occasions, the famous YouTube Joey Salads has done a "social experiment" with hidden camera to see the reaction of people.

The youtuber already showed us how easy it is to kidnap a child or how the little ones open the door of the house to a stranger without problem. This time it was the turn of demonstrate that there are people who are not tolerant of breastfeeding in public and we see it in this new video.

What is evident in the recording is the absurdity of people's attitudes towards breastfeeding (and, well, it doesn't matter so much that next to the nursing mother there is a woman with a cleavage that does not breastfeed). But what some people show is that "naturally" breasts are perfect to wear, they have an acceptable aesthetic function; However, feeding for babies does not look so natural.


I have to say that it does not seem that the woman of the baby is really breastfeeding (not even that she carries a baby, maybe not too appropriate for the elaboration of the video without interruptions or shocks), but it does not matter that she is an actress because for the people who pass by her that is exactly what she seems to be doing.

The women were sitting (separately) for an hour in a bank of a shopping center. In this context, several people comment that the scene in which the woman is breastfeeding "is disgusting" (even when she explains that she is feeding her baby that they are hungry. "Really, ma'am, do you have to do that here?" Only a pregnant mother comes to talk to the mother and asks for advice. On the other hand, no one messes with the sexy girl, a man is going to have a quiet conversation with her.

At the end of the video, both women appear together sitting on the bench, this time on the street and next to Joey Salads. A man says "This is disgusting, ma'am. I don't think your tit has to be out that way." Of course, the chest that is taught is nothing more than the one that shows the clothes of the model, but the man replies that the shirt is like that, that's fine ... but breastfeeding there is not appropriate and the mother could do it elsewhere.

The youtuber replies that if he has a problem with "the tit is out", it does not matter in what circumstances, trying to show the inconsistency of his arguments. If you don't even see him barely cleavage the girl who supposedly breastfeeds!

In fact, it looks very little when it comes to breastfeeding with the baby in the lap and the clothes prepared for breastfeeding (or not, because getting up the shirt costs nothing and with the baby on it covering up we should not fear even the cold or more looks than necessary).

But nothing would happen if you see "more than the account" because it is something natural (Oh my god, a chest !!! And I'm not watching it on TV or in a movie or on the beach but with a baby hooked !!!) and only sick (and hypocritical) minds may seem like a "disgusting" or "disgusting" act.

Anyway, personally I do not like too much that there is a model with neckline to see people's reactions to breastfeeding in public, basically because I think that is not enough, that it was not necessary. But the author does it as a sign of support for the normalization of breastfeeding and these reactions do not cease to surprise us, which, without experiments or cameras in between, continue to occur every day.

Video: Why I'm not breastfeeding +formula feeding must haves! (July 2024).