Stop bullying: School Day of Nonviolence and Peace

Since 1964, to commemorate the death of Gandhi, it is celebrated on January 30 School Day of Nonviolence and Peace. I can't help thinking about the amount of children who suffer bullying day after day on the part of his companions, because there is nothing less peaceful than that.

It is one of the worst situations that a child can experience, it hurts every day, and it can lead to desperate decisions like that of the 11-year-old boy who took his life. It is also overcome, but it leaves its mark and affects future relationships. More and more cases are detected and on a day like today it is very important to be aware of the importance of teaching children to live together in peace and without violence.

Communication with children is key to identify the problem as soon as possible. In recent days we have dealt with the topic on the blog and gave you keys to detect if your child suffers bullying and we also interview expert psychologists who talked to us about how to act in a case of bullying and what is behind a stalker child .

Bullying is undoubtedly a form of violence. A problem that we must address from all angles with prevention strategies from the family and greater support from the school environment.

Help our children whether they are the victim or if they have become bullies. Because ultimately they are all children who cry out for help. Today is a day to reflect on the education of children in respect and tolerance towards others, and the culture of peace.

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Video: Quotes for School Day of Non violence and Peace (July 2024).