Mosquito bites, how to protect children

The heat arrives and with it, the mosquitoes and their dreaded bites. Children's skin is much more sensitive than ours at insect bites and although in general its consequences are usually mild and well located, they are annoying. Occasionally, these bites may have some severity if the child has a allergic reaction. That is why it is very important prevent mosquito bites Y protect children's skin properly using always approved products.

Risks of mosquito bites

In summer, the most frequent bites are those caused by mosquitoes, being some types especially common and annoying in our environment, as is the case with tiger mosquito. The most common risk of mosquito bites in children is the possibility of presenting a allergic reaction.

The allergic reaction symptoms They are immediate and very easy to recognize: redness, swelling and itching. In most cases, mosquito bites can be easily treated using local cold for 10 minutes or an anti-inflammatory agent.

If the local reaction is very intense or general discomfort occurs (headache, fever, breathing problems and tightness in the throat or chest), it is best according to the doctors, is to go immediately to the specialist. In these cases, the doctor may recommend the use of corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory or oral antihistamines.

The most extreme allergic reactions occur rarely and include the skeeter syndrome (rashes with blisters, bruises or large areas of inflammation at the sites of the bites) and the anaphylaxis (hives and swelling).

WHO also warns of the possible spread of Zika virus Through southern Europe. Zika is a microorganism of African origin similar to dengue virus that is transmitted through the bite of infected tropical mosquitoes. In adults the reaction is minimal but in babies whose pregnant mother was infected, it can cause severe malformations, such as microcephaly. There is no treatment or vaccine and its consequences can be very serious. WHO recommends the use of insect repellents to prevent the spread of the virus.

Prevention and advice

Hot and humid areas are much more likely to suffer from the presence of these uncomfortable insects. They are also much more abundant during sunrise and sunset. In all these cases, we must exercise caution. Above all, if we plan to go on a field trip with the children or go to the beach with them.

The specialists offer a series of Tips to avoid mosquito bites:

  • We can protect our home from mosquito entry placing physical barriers like mosquito nets, and closing doors and windows well. Mosquitoes are attracted to warm temperatures, so air conditioning also turns out to be a good ally. He Chicco Domestic Anti-Mosquito Device It effectively repels mosquitoes with ultrasound, it is ecological and silent.
  • If we meet abroad, we must protect children from mosquito bites putting on fine long-sleeved clothes, using mosquito nets adapted to their strollers and applying repellents on the skin, especially in the exposed areas. It is also very important that we always use Repellents recognized and recommended by the Ministry of Health.

The use of suitable repellents

It can prevent mosquito bites choosing the most suitable repellents. Like those of the Chicco Repellent Range They can be used in both children and adults and have the same effect on all skins. They can also be applied safely throughout the body, including the face, and are effective. against all kinds of tropical mosquitoes, including the tiger mosquito and the Aedes genus mosquito, the main transmitter of the Zika virus.

These spray repellents in easy application, roll on or pocket gel, are formulated based on Eucalyptus Extract and are especially suitable for children from 2 years old since They do not contain alcohol, parabens, or dyes. They work both day and night and A single application protects the skin up to 3 hours.

For babies under 2 years, they are suitable the Home Ultrasound Device and the Ultrasound device of Chicco. The latter is perfect for the baby's daily walk, since it is a portable device that repels mosquitoes through a technology that emits ultrasounds that are annoying for insects and makes them run away, but that are imperceptible and harmless to the human being.

It is eco-friendly and quiet, and includes a handy clip to place anywhere in the stroller or stroller. It works with a 1.5V alkaline battery that is included and its duration is about 100 hours.

Finally for relieve mosquito bites in children, we can apply a soothing relief bar that does not contain ammonia. The soothing balms of mosquito bites They can be used in babies from 0 months since they are not mosquito repellent.

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Photos | / EmBaSy / zneb076.

Video: Mosquito Bite Protection and Treatment in Children. St. Louis Children's Hospital (July 2024).