Anna extracted milk while running the marathon, a viral gesture and still necessary to normalize breastfeeding

Anna wanted to show that nothing and no one has any right to decide or choose what a woman has to do with her life, with her motherhood, with her leisure and with her breastfeeding.

That's why she Milk was extracted while running the marathon, a necessary gesture to normalize breastfeeding in public that has gone viral worldwide.

Anna like so many thousands of other women in the world is fond of running and that's why she enrolled in the Salt Lake Cuty half marathon, the "Revel Big Countdown" before knowing if she was pregnant or not.

The test was held on September 9, five months after Anna gave birth to her daughter and when they were both breastfeeding.

Anna's circumstances had changed, it is true, but her desire to run had not diminished and her ability to organize herself, as happens to so many thousands of mothers in the world.

Multitasking mothers

We always say it but it has a lot of truth, The ability to organize during motherhood is essential to make responsibilities compatible and leisure for many mothers.

"Motherhood does not limit what you are capable of." Anna Young.

She did not think not to go to the race and did not consider hindering breastfeeding that had cost so much to establish with her daughter, so the gesture was necessary although some people wanted to show their disagreement in the photo that Anna hung on her wall Facebook.

Anna was supported by "Ocupy Brestfeeding" a support group that is responsible for defending rights and normalize breastfeeding in public. She wanted with her gesture to help precisely that normalization, in view of the reactions it is clear that gestures like his are still necessary.

Taking into account that Facebook censures the female nipples of the photos that users upload to this social network (yes, exclusively female ones are censored) they had to be very careful when selecting the photo they were going to use to give visibility to the gesture Anna and the need for breastfeeding to look like what it is, something natural that mothers and their children have every right to practice in public.

“Yesterday I ran a half marathon after five months of giving birth. I had to get up at 4.30 am and the race started at 6.45 am. I breast-fed my daughter before leaving home, I drank milk after running the first 8 miles and fed my daughter just after crossing the finish line. This group (Occupy Breastfeeding) and La Leche League motivated me to find a way to run but at the same time take care of my daughter. ”

Video: One Super Mom Pumped Breast Milk While Running A Half-Marathon (July 2024).