8 tricks for parturients and their best recovery

It does not matter if the delivery lasted two hours or a whole day, if the mother is first-time or multiparous ... Dark circles, weakness and tiredness due to physical exertion, liabilities, discomfort if there have been points, physical and psychological demand of the newborn, the temporary goodbye to prolonged rest, the establishment of breastfeeding and the feeling of failure or frustration if there is any setback, are some of the difficulties women experience after giving birth.

To help them during these first days, the University Hospital La Zarzuela de Sanitas has a team of specialists dedicated to favor the physical and psychological recovery of mothers. Thus, both from the School of Parents and from the Unit of Well-being or of the Pelvic Floor they will attend them during the puerperium and show them tricks like these so that everything goes on wheels.

1. Hypopressive abdominal exercises

During pregnancy and childbirth, the muscles of the abdominal area undergo significant stretching, being normal that even after childbirth the woman notices that her abdomen is still dilated. This is because the uterus takes about 40 days to return to its original size.

Therefore, in Sanitas postpartum recovery programs, importance is given to the recovery of the abdomen after childbirth through the practice of hypopressive abdominal exercises. These, unlike conventional ones, are especially suitable for women during postpartum. These types of exercises are based on the pressure and tension of the abdomen and consist of stretching the back as much as possible, lowering the chin, inspiring and exhaling air deeply while the abdomen shrinks.

2. Pelvic floor recovery

The pelvic floor muscles also undergo significant dilation, due to the weight of the baby during pregnancy and the elongation necessary to give way to his head during childbirth. For this reason, it is very important to strengthen the musculature of this area to restore tonicity and avoid urinary incontinence and back pain.

Weight loss should not be a priority objective during postpartum. This is not a good time to make strict diets, but to take care of yourself.

The Pelvic Floor Unit has a multidisciplinary team and the most modern technical means for postpartum recovery and with the most advanced techniques to treat pelvic floor dysfunctions. For example, in the Welfare Unit there is a specific service of pilates. A safe method for both the mother and the baby that helps prevent back pain, reduces the complications of pregnancy and cesarean deliveries, tones the muscles and improves circulation.

Perform vases oriented towards the vagina, avoid very tight garments and severe physical exercise or involving jumps, perform hypopressive abdominal gymnastics, avoid loads during the first months after delivery, perform back exercises and stretching and maintain proper postural hygiene are some keys to pelvic floor recovery after childbirth. The oscillatory exercises on a swiss ball (a giant vinyl ball) are also specially indicated to work the mobility of the pelvis and relax the extensor muscles of the back.

3. Walk daily with the baby outdoors

Walking is one of the most complete exercises that exist and also one of the most suitable for moms who have just had a baby. It is a aerobic activity that demands little physical effort and, in return, its benefits are multiple:

  • Fight swelling. During pregnancy, the increase in the volume of circulating blood and the dilation of the blood vessels cause swelling in the legs. After delivery, the circulatory system begins to readjust and, little by little, swelling is reduced. Walking helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and reduce body swelling more quickly. The Wellness Unit of La Zarzuela Hospital also has a service of lymphatic drainage to favor the elimination of accumulated fluid especially in arms and legs, such as in the case of pregnancy.

  • Avoid cellulite. The retention of liquids produced by estrogens favors the appearance of cellulite. The best thing to avoid it is to drink a lot of fluids, not to spend too much time standing or sitting, and going for a walk every day to increase the blood circulation in the legs. Draining massages and a diet rich in antioxidant vitamins can also help reduce areas with orange peel.

  • Tones the buttocks and hips. Walking and cycling (perhaps static at this time), as well as swimming, are a good option to recover firmness in these parts of the body.

  • Burn calories and fat in general. Helping, in this way, the mother to lose weight after childbirth more quickly.

  • It favors the mood. Outdoor exercise favors psychological well-being. Going for a daily walk with the baby, especially in green areas or quiet avenues, in addition to providing moments of great well-being for the mother and the baby, favors the physical and mood of both. This activity is simple and not very exhausting, and while allowing the mother to do a gentle exercise outdoors, it strengthens the links between mother and child.

4. Maintain firmness in the chest

The increase and loss of weight due to pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding itself, require adequate hydration and support. To avoid the flaccidity of the pectoral muscle, specific exercises can also be done to reaffirm, such as joining and squeezing the hands in front of the chest, crossing light weights in front of the pectorals, etc.

5. Exercise with the baby

One of the most practical and pleasurable ways of exercising after childbirth to achieve full physical recovery is do it with the baby. The lack of time associated with motherhood may make it impossible to return to the gym, but you can always start exercising at home or attend specific classes for mothers with newborns.

Matronatation or yoga for moms and babies They are two great options so that the mother does not have to separate from the child and start getting fit. Matronation has great psychological and relaxing effects, while yoga for mothers with very young children pursues a more physical goal. However, both are activities that moms can do perfectly accompanied by the child. He running with babies It is also a practice that is becoming increasingly fashionable.

The couple can also join the family exercise and thus encourage the mother to be constant and to feel the moment of physical activity as a pleasant moment that is shared and enjoyed in company.

6. Healthy and adequate food

Of course, all these tips must be accompanied by adequate nutrition and hydration to be healthy and complete a good recovery. A healthy and balanced diet (based on foods rich in vitamins), together with a moderate physical exercise, are the best ways to combat the usual extreme fatigue after childbirth. A good diet after childbirth, especially for nursing mothers, should include:

  • Several servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day.
  • Cereals (better whole grains) and legumes are very energetic foods that cannot be dispensed with at this stage.
  • Calcium-rich foods (such as yogurt, milk or cheese) are essential, although it is recommended that they be skimmed to reduce fat intake.
  • A serving of fish daily for the contribution of proteins and unsaturated fats.
  • Two or three lean portions of red meat a week.
  • Raw olive oil is an excellent antioxidant.
  • It is important to make five meals a day and not skip any to avoid biting inappropriate food between meals.
  • Eating three to four eggs per week provides an adequate level of protein.
  • You should drink two liters a day of water and avoid soda and sugar.
  • It is very common to suffer anemia after giving birth. To combat it, the mother must increase the consumption of foods rich in vitamin C in her usual diet: oranges, kiwis, tangerines, strawberries, etc.
  • Finally, it is essential to avoid sweets and pastry products. They hardly provide nutrients and yet they have a high level of fat and calories.

Weight loss should not be a priority objective during postpartum. This is not a good time to make strict diets, but to take care of yourself. Once the mother feels recovered, the Wellness Unit of the University Hospital La Zarzuela has a Nutritional Coaching service to help her lose weight in a healthy and effective way with the help of specialized medical professionals.

7. The company of other moms and the support of family and friends

Going out to the park or for a walk, exercising in a group or simply chatting and exchanging doubts, opinions and anecdotes with other recent moms It is a positive experience. Being an integral part of a group, empathizing with its members and feeling understood and supported, strengthens the mother and dissipates many normal insecurities in this period.

Insomnia, tiredness, lack of appetite and energy are also physical effects after childbirth and the arrival of the new baby that can cause some psychological distress

Lighting a baby is an experience after which not only important physical changes occur. He emotional state of the mother after delivery it is also altered. There are moms who feel full of happiness from the first moment, while others feel a great mood instability. Some may even feel exhausted and discouraged. Needing some more time to develop the maternal feeling is something completely normal in these circumstances. The Sanitas Wellness Centers have specialized psychologists for the mother's psychological recovery.

Insomnia, tiredness, lack of appetite and energy are also physical effects after delivery and the arrival of the new baby that can cause some psychological discomfort. In any case, the family treatment routine and living with the new family member are vital to adequately face all the changes of the first weeks after delivery.

Likewise, the support and understanding of the couple They are fundamental right now. Feeling loved, cared for and supported will reinforce the new mother's self-esteem and give her strength and energy to face her new obligations.

Insecurity, doubts and fears are also recurring emotions during postpartum. The Sanitas La Zarzuela Hospital Parent School service has been designed to help new parents clear up all their doubts about caring for their baby. In this way, parents receive professional advice to offer the best care to their offspring with total safety and tranquility.

8. Change of schedules and habits: new routines for rest and sleep

With a baby just arrived home, it is essential to adapt to their schedules and take advantage of the moments when they are calm to rest, and their sleeping times sleeping. During their first month of life, babies spend most of their time sleeping. They wake up almost exclusively to eat, every two or three hours. Rest and sleep well is essential for physical and psychological recovery of the mother after childbirth. Getting used to sleeping at these intervals and never more than three hours in a row can be difficult at first. The key is not to wait for nap time or sleep. It is best to start taking small daytime headers even during the last months of pregnancy so that the mind and body gradually become accustomed to the new routine.

The high comfort facilities of La Zarzuela Hospital, like its suite rooms, favor the comfort and well-being of moms during their hospitalization days. His equipment facilitates the rest in the room during the postpartum with the company of his new son and his dad, while he is assisted and advised at all times by the team of medical specialists of the center.

Also, during her stay at the hospital the mother will have the support and accompaniment of a nurse with exclusive dedication to the care of the newborn, which will teach her all the techniques and procedures for the promotion of breastfeeding, as an aid for the extraction-storage and preservation of breast milk, correct postures, etc ... They must also know that in the hospital there is a lactation consultation to which they can go to discharge.

Postpartum is a very complex and delicate moment that brings joy and fatigue together. The weeks following delivery are a key moment for the life of the mother and the newborn baby. As for physical recovery, it is best to take it patiently. Postpartum recovery is a slow and gradual process. A year is the time that, at a minimum, the body needs to return to its prepaid state. The different units and services of La Zarzuela University Hospital offer comprehensive and personalized assistance to help moms achieve physical and emotional recovery after childbirth.

Images | iStock / Rohappy / AndreyPopov / dolgachov / julief514 / cyano66 / boggy22 / NiDerLander.

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