The ingenious and fun poster for the bathroom that says what all mothers think

Nothing is the same after we become mothers. From worry-free sleeping (or just sleeping!) To the odyssey that comes out of the house. Everything changes, from the most basic and essential things.

Only one mother knows how difficult it is to go to the bathroom alone when you have babies or young children at home. When children arrive, privacy is completely terminated. It will be a long time before you can be alone again.

That is why An anonymous mother has written a note saying everything we want when we go to the bathroom.

The note reads as follows:


  1. Touch, unless the house is on fire or someone is bleeding and / or dead.

  2. Ask me shouting things if I'm in the shower. One tip: I CAN'T LISTEN TO THEM!

  3. Wait a few centimeters from the door and then shout at me when I hit them with the door in the face when I leave, as if it was my fault.

  4. Pass me notes of any kind under the door, especially those that have boxes to select the answer. Ask yourself this before touching ... Can I survive the next two minutes without mom? If not

We just want to use the bathroom in peace

As the mother of a two-year-old girl, I can say that I feel totally identified with the feeling of this mother. My daughter has already started going to school, but the first two and a half years of going to the bathroom alone at home was a luxury. Now I have some hours to work and do what I need, but as soon as I go to school for her, I have my daughter attached to me everywhere, including the bathroom.

It is funny to read this note because just three days ago Armando shared an article in which he showed the photo that a father took at the door of the room where his wife was. He says that she only wanted 5 minutes alone, but guess who was behind the door waiting for her. His daughter, the dog and the three cats they have at home!

This is the life of mom and what has made that anonymous mother put the sign on the bathroom door, it seems that the house falls if they give us a couple of minutes alone or to do something as necessary and basic as going to the bathroom.

Do you also want to have a moment alone to go to the bathroom?

Video: Funny Tik Tok MEMES COMPILATION V2 (July 2024).