Does your child want to donate hair? Everything you need to know about donating hair for children with cancer

When children suffering from cancer must undergo chemotherapy treatments, one of the most visible effects, which affects their self-esteem, is hair loss. That is why solidarity associations in charge of collecting donated hair to make wigs for people with cancer or diseases that cause alopecia have emerged throughout the world.

Children are very predisposed to offer your hair to be donated to other sick children, it sometimes even becomes a family mission in which several members of the same family commit to this solidarity cause of hair donation. We tell you everything you need to know about what are the requirements, how and where can you donate your hair in different countries.

A learning for children

It is a beautiful experience for children, and certainly a great learning for them. They feel satisfied and proud to be able to help other children who need it.

Although sometimes some children have to endure teasing from their peers for leaving their hair long, maintaining their decision to donate above any comment demonstrates great generosity and courage on their part.

In Babies and more A child with cancer finds a compatible donor in their sister and they live together the moment of transplantation through Facetime

Also, the patience with which they wait for their hair to grow until it reaches the minimum length to be donated is a precious gesture of solidarity.

Requirements for hair donation

Each association has your own specific requirements, so it is best that each one be consulted separately depending on your place of residence, but in general, what they ask for is:

  • The hair must be clean before cutting
  • Must be delivered clean and dry
  • Hair length should be at least 20 cm (in some the minimum length is 25, 30 or 35 cm)
  • Once cut, it is recommended save it or send it in pigtails or braids
  • Any type of hair It is valid (can be curly, wavy or smooth)

Where can I donate my hair?

Donate hair in Spain

  • Solidarity strands: it has more than 500 associated hairdressers throughout the country that cut your hair for free if you want to donate. He collaborates with the Aladina Foundation by donating natural hair wigs.

  • Pekelucas: It is a non-profit association that produces free wigs for girls, and manages a donation bank

  • Pink Bracelets: the project "your hair is worth a treasure" is a solidarity initiative to help women and children who are fighting cancer.

Where to donate hair in Latin America

Donate hair in Mexico

  • Curls of Love and Joy

  • Braiding Hearts

Donate hair in Argentina

  • Miraculous Hair

  • Vanesa Duran Foundation

  • FiundaVita #UnPelitoMasFacil

Donate hair in Chile

Donate hair in Colombia

Donate hair in Guatemala

Donate hair in Venezuela

  • Friends of the Child with Cancer Foundation


Donate hair in Ecuador

Donate hair in El Salvador

Donate hair in Peru

Donate hair in the United States

Video: Hair Donations to Help Children Cancer Patients (July 2024).