In the face of criticism because she is not going to breastfeed her baby, Tania Llasera asks mothers to stop judging others

The presenter Tania Llasera has a baby of a year and a half and is pregnant with her second baby, a girl, who has already advanced in an interview that although it makes her angry not to be able to do it because she knows that it is beneficial for both, will not breastfeed when born for a wound he suffered in one of his eyes. further said he will hire a salus at night (a nurse or nursing assistant) to help you with your baby.

The critics did not wait. Social networks, and especially his Instagram account, began to smoke with comments from mothers who judge their decision. She asks end the mothers war and that instead of criticizing the decisions of others, "defend ourselves, help us and support each other."

Tania is sincere and direct. He never had trouble sharing who asked about his experiences about motherhood. He talks openly about his feelings and about the decisions he makes as a mother, about what he thinks is best for his children and his family. But of course, being a well-known character and sharing his life on social networks, the ban opens for everyone to think.

I find it exhausting for women to be so critical of each other. Feminism begins by asking for equality in rights and so on, and continues to defend, help and empower each other. It is enough with whether it is better to breastfeed or bottle or to comment on how each mother is a mother. Every woman does the best she can with her circumstances and her children, and who are you to tell me what is best for me? Focus on your life and let me live mine quietly. I promise you that I am not looking for controversy (I do not choose the head of the @divinity interview - full report on I just try to be honest with my reality. I breast-fed Pepe and had a very bad time with an eye injury, I had so much pain that I didn't dare to breastfeed again and the doctors also advised against it. And after consulting with my partner, we decided to hire a #salus to help us at night because in September my boy has several trips and I work a lot. And the better we are at rest level, the better we will all be at family level. FINISH. Photos made by @avanstokkum

A shared publication of ⚡️Tania Llasera⚡️ (@taniallasera) on Jun 13, 2017 at 7:27 AM PDT

"What else do I give you if I breastfeed my son? Focus on your tit and leave me alone, that we are each mother as we can."

Even if you don't share, don't judge

Two days ago Tania shared with her Instagram followers the interview conducted by Divinity asking that they not stay with the headline, which thus, a priori, sounded somewhat drastic: "I'm going to bottle feed my daughter and I'll hire a salus".

You already have the full report on the @divinity_es website and please, do not stay alone with the headline, read it whole and you will understand the reason for everything. #aflordepiel #divinity by the way I have commented that this wonderful report is #SINPHOTOSHOP ??? #alnatural #embarazo photographer: @avanstokkum reportage from @jesterpic

A shared publication of ⚡️Tania Llasera⚡️ (@taniallasera) on Jun 13, 2017 at 2:44 p.m. PDT

Tania says she had a hard time breastfeeding her first child because of a corneal wound in her eye. Her eye was dry and her wound reopened, leaving her blind and in great pain. That's why he decided that this time he won't breastfeed his daughter and because it also works a lot and "I'm going to save myself from getting milk at night, freezing it and continuing to pump milk ...

He has also said that you will hire help to take care of your baby at home. A salus is a nurse or nursing assistant with childcare training that helps parents in homes with newborn babies. "I'm going to hire a salus to sleep at night, which is super necessary: ​​the better you are, the better your baby will be," said the host.

The comments were swift, some very critical of their decisions, like these:

  • Do what you want, it is your decision, if you want a bottle then bottle, if you want a caesarean section, then do it (the Asian pelvis seems like a roll that you have been told, and at least, for the health of your daughter it would be convenient to wait to give birth, although in the end it ends in a caesarean section) but the salus thing seems to me ... When your daughter wakes up at night she will need you and will look for you there is no stranger ... If you want to rest do not have children or rest now, or when your daughter does it ... and if it bothers you that people think about what you do, don't tell it, don't publish it, you expose yourself to that ... Otherwise, everything goes very well for you, I get very nervous reading certain things like that I'm going to something else. ana19847

  • I do not think this kind of comments @taniallasera. Do you want prominence? Earn it by working hard, not creating controversy. Very disappointed with you. marta_casalsp

  • If you do not breastfeed, you can hire someone who is with the baby at night, but if they take care of you at night and work during the day, when are you with your baby? Each one is free to raise her baby as she wants, but you please do us those who are working in two weeks when we are claiming a longer maternity leave to take care of our babies. marinacoli

He also received many support comments:

  • I like you better every day! I am Jaime's mom who is 4 months old and I only breastfeed the first month and combined with bibe, I would have done LME exclusively but it could not be ... and is a beautiful baby, very healthy and super happy! And yesterday I was talking to my husband who understood perfectly that people who can afford it have salus and nannys ... and that is why they are / are less or worse mothers ... it really is a shame society that we are creating intolerant, everything The day judging others, the tit's fundamentalists are special as I call them affectionately ... a big kiss! isi_z

  • Because each one does what he wants, he can or he simply feels like it !!!!!! Q each one decides on his life and that of his children !!! Q heavy people always malmeterse !!! Ole you !!! nurindity

  • Each one can raise their child's upbringing as they wish. So I don't see clapping for a mother to say how she is going to do it. If you have to expose how you are going to do it, stop being a free decision. It is not a better mother who gives the breast or the bottle. It depends on the circumstances, decisions and mental or physical preparation of the mother, what cannot be done is to create debates on a topic that should not be debated, because each mother can do what she wants. My first son was raised with bibi, and the second with a chest until 16 months. Not at all the second motherhood was more sacrificed than the first. We will be really free, when we don't have to give any explanation regarding our decisions. mamamelocotón

Neither better nor worse mother

Each time the issue of breastfeeding is touched and the bottle seems to open the ground at our feet to put the mothers of one side and another. It is clear that breast milk is the best food for a baby, I suppose at this point no one doubts it, and it is important that mothers are well informed.

But from there, the decision is very personal and everyone will have their reasons to choose how they want to feed their baby, reasons that others do not know without knowing what is behind and how much suffering it may have caused.

No one is who to judge the decisions of another mother, and of course nobody is better or worse mother to breastfeed or bottle. Even if you don't share your decision, mothers who bottle feed deserve the same respect as those who breastfeed.

Video: How to Deal With Criticism. Marisa Peer (July 2024).