When you leave the hospital with your baby ready to go home, and you receive all the British press!

The birth of a baby is a great event for families, it is the time when a new member arrives to fill their home with tender moments and many new adventures. It is certainly something that deserves to be celebrated and shared with all our loved ones.

But imagine going to the hospital, having your baby and when you leave you receive a multitude of photographers and reporters. This was what happened to some couples, who were in the same hospital as Kate Middleton when she gave birth to her third child.

When a baby is born, we run to give the news to our family and close friends, who join our celebration and accompany us in that moment of joy. But For some couples, your baby's announcement was much larger than expected.

And it turned out that when they were leaving the hospital, dozens of photographers were already at the door hoping to hear from the third baby of the Dukes of Cambridge, who were also there.

A baby has arrived !! But it's not yet Kateā€¦ this happy couple are just leaving with their new baby and all the world's press clapping them! pic.twitter.com/mzHAFZBAox

- Emily Andrews (@byEmilyAndrews) April 23, 2018

Great was his surprise, to go out with his baby in his arms and meet a multitude of photographers, all attentive not to miss the first photo of the royal family with the new member.

Haha! Hats off to the couple who decided to have their picture taken outside the hospital doors with their newborn before #KateMiddleton & #William do! #RoyalBaby #beatyou #NotNews 👏👏 pic.twitter.com/LS7VG7FSHZ

- Martin O'Neill (@ oneill6003) April 23, 2018

Although they didn't expect something like that, They decided to continue the game and posed very happy for the photographers with their babies in their arms, who applauded and congratulated them, thus obtaining a real welcome.

This unsuspecting couple prepared to leave St Mary's Hospital with their new baby - not long after the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge arrived - and they were met outside by the world's media. # 5News #RoyalBaby #LindoWing | @ simonvigar5 pic.twitter.com/qEVq9WrU97

- 5News (@ 5_News) April 23, 2018

It will definitely be a fun story that they can share one day with their children when they are older and tell them that the day they were born, hundreds of people saw them and shared their joy.

Video: Baby Born With Heart Outside of Chest Allowed to Go Home (July 2024).