Reflux in babies

When a small baby cries insistently, we almost always relate it to the infant's cramps, but the gastroesophageal reflux It is not as well known and can be one of the causes. It is the return of gastric contents through the esophagus into the mouth instead of continuing into the digestive system, causing frequent burning and vomiting.

How do I realize that my baby has reflux? Although the most common symptom is frequent and large-scale vomiting, it is not the only one. You may also notice that your baby cries without cause and is irritable, that he rejects food because it associates eating with an unpleasant burning sensation, which does not gain weight, and could even have apnea (short moments when breathing is interrupted ). What makes the baby vomit is the malfunction of the sphincter (or valve) that causes stomach contents to rise through the esophagus to the mouth. In most cases it is due to the immaturity of the digestive system, which is usually corrected after six months, when the baby begins to be more upright, since being in a horizontal position makes digestion difficult, and when it begins to incorporate in Your diet solid foods that also help decrease reflux.

To relieve gastric reflux it is advisable to keep the baby upright for a while after feeding as well as feeding him fewer times less. You can also thicken the milk from the third or fourth month and check that the holes in the bottle are the right size so that you do not swallow air while eating. Never leave the baby alone with the bottle and avoid moving the baby too much after eating.

Anyway, if you suspect that your baby may have reflux, consult with the pediatrician to do the necessary tests, since if it is not treated in time it can have serious consequences.

Video: HOW WE CURED BABY'S REFLUX + FAQs. Symptoms, Diet Changes, Breastfeeding, Sleeping, and More! (May 2024).