The baby has started to crawl

It can be said that when a baby start crawling It makes its way to its independence. When babies start crawling there is no stopping them. With the freedom of movement also comes the dangers of curiosity with which parents must be vigilant.

Crawling brings countless advantages for the little one. Despite the scares that parents take when our son becomes a four-legged explorer, we must encourage him to explore the environment and take advantage of his new freedom of movement. Crawling will give the baby a new vision of the world, of himself and of his abilities. With this activity the child strengthens the muscles and joints of the arms, legs, neck and back that prepares him to stand up and start walking. In the cognitive aspect it allows you to discover many things and satisfy your curiosity and desire to learn. It also increases your autonomy. The baby begins to make his first decisions, for example, he can choose between going to the classroom or the kitchen, pushing a cart or reaching for a ball. All this causes him to accumulate experiences and gain confidence in himself.

Most babies begin to crawl around seven and twelve months. This process is slow and complex and manifests itself differently in each child. Before crawling, the baby has to go through other phases of movement; roll on itself, crawl, lift the trunk and belly from the ground ... until it manages to crawl.

Each baby has its own pace of evolution, which parents must respect by trying not to force the baby. Crawling requires mental coordination that is barely possible when the baby's nervous system is mature enough.

There are several factors that affect the baby's crawling sooner or later. The truth is that most babies crawl, but there are babies that instead of crawling make other forms of movement with equal effectiveness. There are some who crawl sitting, others crawl back. There are those who do not crawl or crawl in any way and pass directly from the sitting position to their first steps.

When the baby begins to crawl we must adapt the space so that he can do it freely and above all protect him from the dangers: protectors for the plugs, take care that he does not encounter sharp objects, coins or other objects.

Video: How to teach a baby to crawl- 6 month baby crawling!! (July 2024).