He says swear words ... what do we do?

It seems incredible that these angelic mouthfuls can leave swear words so fat According to experts, it is a way of draw attention of the elders. They do it to show that they are witty and naughty, but without any evil. In fact, they don't even know what they mean.

Between three and five years is a stage in which they feel very transgressive and at the first exchange they release some barbarity. "Where did you learn those things?" Parents are horrified, but they are more frequent than we think. At every step we bump into everyday life, in the park, on the street and even at home we may neglect and children hear more about the bill.

But how should parents act? Although they do not know exactly what they are saying, they do realize the effect they cause in adults. When they say some "bad word" we must try to remain calm, without smiling or at all demonstrating that we are scandalized. Upon realizing that mom or dad react, the little naughty would feel more witty and repeat the swears until they were tired.

The worst thing we can do is celebrate the rudeness. That way, they will believe they are funny and will become the rude clown in the house. It is also not good to scold them in excess nor is it too pedagogical to wash their mouths with soap or bleach.

The right way would be to explain to them alone and in a firm way that we don't like them to say those words and that by saying them they bother others. Teaching them to apologize to others can contribute to their understanding.

However, it is not necessary to dramatize. It is a more challenging attitude that children have in the formation of their personality. A new situation that parents will try to overcome with a right hand and consistency.

Video: Tydus Said A BAD WORD! (July 2024).