Tattoos and epidural

More and more women with a tattoo in the lower back and many of them do not know that at the time they should undergo a epidural, As it is at the time of giving birth, the anesthetist can refuse to apply it.

When the needle is introduced through the skin, there is a possibility that part of the tattoo pigment will be dragged inwards and deposited in the spinal canal and may cause systemic pathologies.

For this reason and in most cases, the anesthetist tries to perform the puncture avoiding the tattooed area and if it is not possible, they can resort to a small pre-cut in the area where the anesthesia will be injected and thus reduce the risk of drag . But if the tattoo is too dense, the anesthetist, to prevent risks, choose not to apply the epidural. Currently, the subject is already being informed in the preparatory classes, they even prepare them for a birth without epidural and it is not surprising, but many women affirm that if they had known this problem, they would not have performed the tattoo in that area, which also if it is accurate for childbirth, you may need it in other operations that you may need in the future.

The issue of tattoos and anesthesia is not yet reflected in the pre-anesthesia protocols, but they should surely include it, as professionals may need to see their decision and responsibility supported and future moms respect it.

Video: Can lower back tattoos pose a health risk to pregnant women? (May 2024).