Experts say that children should learn to read after three years

More and more education experts say that Children should start to learn the basis of literacy, this is learning to read letters, syllables, sounds ..., from three years instead of waiting for the primary cycle, that is, at age six, they ensure that early learning fosters the ability to study.

Carmen Herrera, teacher and vice president of the NGO Asociación Nuevos Pasos, children have the capacity and, most importantly, motivation. Children who see a bottle of Coca-Cola, know that it is that drink by its symbols and that is the basis of reading.

Children who have an early learning of reading, have a better reading comprehension, which is the basis of language and will have a better chance of obtaining good results in other subjects. More and more parents are also involved in the early learning of their children, at home they start with the vowels and in some cases to join them with the consonants, when these children reach primary school, they have that path.

There are also clues that help motivate children to want to know the letters. Comics motivate you to want to know what is said, the cartoons are quite stimulating, placing them in places that are within their reach, will be a good resource for children.

Video: Does Reading Improve Your Parent-Child Bond? Experts Say Yes! Genius of Play Expert Tips (June 2024).