Great Honey Snack Off, to encourage honey consumption among children

A curious American initiative aims to get children to eat healthy foods during and after school. The initiative is designed to help parents find light and healthy meals that are also liked by the little ones.

The National Honey Borrad has launched a very peculiar challenge, asks that all the children of the country participate in the contest Great Honey Snack Off, where children must send their recipes on the condition that they must have honey as an indispensable ingredient. Everyone knows that honey is one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods, suitable for proper development, hence this ingredient is requested as essential.

The contest began on June 26 and will end on September 30, all recipes will be judged based on originality, design, creativity and the amount of honey used in the recipe. The prize will consist of the purchase of everything necessary for the return to school at no cost. They do not specify the age of small chefs, but we assume that children of all ages can compete.

It is certainly a sweet initiative that will allow many children to want to enjoy a little more of the flavor that honey confers. It would not be bad if in our country they developed initiatives of this kind.

Video: What Happens to Your Body When You Start Eating Honey Every Day (July 2024).