Artificial pancreas for children with type 1 diabetes

A new one is going to be tried artificial pancreas for children with type 1 diabetes (a disorder where the pancreas does not produce the necessary insulin, an important substance in the regulation of blood glucose), the new device designed by British scientists will allow a more exhaustive control of blood glucose levels.

The new artificial pancreas will give a better quality of life to its carriers, since continuous injections and punctures to control and administer the necessary insulin will be unnecessary, it should be taken into account that children with type 1 diabetes need to inject at least 6 doses of insulin daily, being a heavy and inaccurate process to regulate blood glucose. The new device will have as a novelty a sensor and a computer program capable of calculating the need for insulin in the body to regulate glucose, in addition it will have an insulin pump that is interrelated with the computer program, providing an effectiveness similar to the of a normal pancreas as far as production and coordination with the organism is concerned.

Each new step, each achievement, each triumph, brings children suffering from different evils closer to a better quality of life.

Video: Hybrid Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery System: Top 10 Medical Innovations 2018 (July 2024).