Baby hair care

Being born with a lot or little hair is a matter determined by the genetic inheritance of each baby. However, baby's hair deserves special attention at bath time, Treating it with love and using appropriate products are fundamental issues to keep your hair healthy.

You need to choose a shampoo suitable for the child's age and that has a neutral ph. Children's products are formulated not to attack the hair, not to irritate the eyes and are commonly hypoallergenic.

You should also try to choose products with soft perfume. Very strong odors can irritate and cause allergies in very young children.

After six months of age, a conditioner for children can be used; In case you have frizzy hair and get tangled easily. Conditioners formulated for children's use help detangle, moisturize and protect hair. After the bath you have to dry the baby's hairs very well with a soft towel. Excess moisture can cause mycosis in the scalp, especially if the hair is left without drying directly.

When combing, you should opt for brushes with very soft bristles or separate tooth combs and round tips. These objects should be used exclusively by the baby, to keep them safe from getting mycosis or lice from other people.

Many mothers are worried when they notice a loss of hair in their baby. It's a fairly common thing: babies have a hair loss in the first months, some are little redheads; but then a new hair appears.

This is a normal process, hormonal adjustments in the organism of the small and the natural cycle of hair. Normally hair is born, grows, matures and falls. It happens the same as with the hair of the elderly, only in the case of babies the process is slower.

Another problem that occurs is the so-called milk crust, some caspitas that are scattered on the baby's scalp. It is caused by a hormone that the mother passes to the child during pregnancy.

What is expected is that the scab detach itself and disappear after the third month of life. It is not indicated to try to forcefully tear them off, as there is a risk of mistreating the delicate scalp of the baby. What can be done is to facilitate natural flaking by placing oil a few minutes before bathing, to soften and gently remove them.