Animals ask not to be a Christmas gift

Chotis is a Spaniel Breton dog that, knowing the painful situation of animals in our country, decides to write a letter to the Magi:

“Last year I was a 'desired' Christmas gift from a child of about seven years. On the morning of January 6, everything was joy, pampering and games. As time went by I noticed that the parents were more impatient to my mischief and were getting tired of my needs for education, love, care and other attention that I, apparently, needed. The situation became more confusing and, really without knowing very well how, I was abandoned in a gutter while my family drove away with the car full of luggage. ” According to the association El Refugio, this year more than 250,000 pets will be given in our country, dogs, cats and birds are the most demanded, but the problem is that many of these animals end up being abandoned. In order to prevent more animals from happening the same as "Chotis", El Refugio has presented a Christmas Campaign at the Spanish Theater in Madrid, "Be responsible: think before giving me”.

There are many children who request a pet as a gift from Reyes, and there are many parents who for nothing in the world would have an animal at home, but for not listening to their children or not being able to make them understand that you can not have a pet, they end up temporarily satisfying that desire with the final outcome of abandonment, causing innocent animals to suffer the consequences.

The words of the president of the association, Nacho Paunero, leave no doubt, "an animal is not a toy, is a living being with rights and needs that each person must know and assume before living with him.

The presentation of the campaign was attended by famous actors who gave voice to other animals that were also abandoned by their owners, Helmut, a greyhound collected in Toledo, Pablito, a mongrel puppy, Triana, rescued in Seville, Rambo, a German shepherd or Misifú and Sisí, two abandoned cats when they were fifteen days old. All of them have also written their own letter to the Magi and we hope that parents who see in their children's letters the desire of a pet, know how to act conveniently, "Be responsible: think before giving me away."

In the event that the family accepts the child's desire, we suggest assessing the possibility of adopting an animal that is in a shelter, there are many pets that expect a family to want their company by returning it in fidelity and affection.

Video: Top 5 GMM Animal Moments 2018 (July 2024).