Birth of my baby

After sharing with the baby readers and more my pregnancy; The time has come (a little late) to tell you The birth of my baby

I don't know the reasons why I had a premature delivery. Arturo was born with 35 weeks, measured 46.5 cm and weighed 2,570 kg, not bad for a baby who hastened to come the world.

On November 22 at 11:00 in the morning while taking a relaxing shower, I broke waters. Then I went to the emergency room and they let me in. If labor was not triggered within 24 hours, doctors would naturally induce labor.

And so it happened. The next day, at about six in the afternoon I got dripped. This time the contractions were much more intense than in my first birth, after a while when I already felt that I was fainting from the pain, the epidural arrived and after 10 minutes Arturo was already being born with only three pushes and no need for episiotomy

Arturo was admitted for prematurity; just to be observed because my child was born healthy.

Arriving home without the baby, I felt a huge emptiness and sadness. I should have explained to my son Lucas what had happened to his little brother. That week was a great stress since I had to go to the hospital four times a day to breastfeed or take my milk, caress him and see him for a little while.

After a week, they finally delivered us to my little doll, which demands my care, which is why I had disappeared from babies and more.

Everything has gone well and already Arturo a little over a month, weighs 3,300 kg and has grown two and a half centimeters by force of exclusively breast milk.