My baby: first conversations

What a while ago were barely babbling, today they have become small speeches.

You will remember that a little over a month ago I told you how my little girl began to smile and outline her first sounds to communicate with others.

Well, now you could say that my baby speaks. In its own way, of course. You already have a wide repertoire of sounds that you use according to the moment. Isn't that talking?

He expects someone to cross his field of vision to start talking as if he were calling, trying to establish a communication.

The times of the day that we start talking “from woman to woman” are a spectacle. Talk and shut up waiting for my answer. And so I tell her something and she then answers. It even seems to answer my questions with emphasis on sounds. Is beautiful

Most of the sounds are open vowels. "Aaaah" and "Ooooh" are the words he uses most, even when he is alone in his crib. Some sounds already begin to combine them with some consonants such as b, p or m.

In fact, these first words are usually called "lullabies" because they remember the sound that pigeons make.

The best talks are those of the sisters. One with just two and a half years asks the other four months questions like "are you hungry?", "Do you want to play?" Or "do I change your diaper" ?. The little girl always responds with a smile and a sound that I am sure means yes.

As a mother, there is nothing more beautiful than watching the two begin to interact with each other.

They begin to understand each other through that type of communication that does not need words to understand each other.

Video: Hus - My baby boy's first conversations (June 2024).