"It is very positive that parents can be with their children in the classroom," we talked with a teacher about the adaptation period

The "back to school" is here. There are many children who start for the first time, and many doubts that arise from parents about how we can help them with the adaptation period. In some centers, it is common for families can accompany their children in the classroom for a few days, but it is not an extended practice in all nursery schools and much less, in schools.

However, some experts believe that the accompaniment is very positive for the child, since it makes him gain confidence and start the course in a more relaxed way. We have asked Mª Victoria Gómez, pedagogue and teacher of Early Childhood Education in the Community of Madrid, about this topic: adaptation in the company of parents, yes or no? What should we consider?

Is it positive that parents are in the classroom during the adaptation period?

"Yes. Without a doubt. As adults, we should do the exercise of putting ourselves in the child's place: if we were suddenly released in a strange place and we were surrounded by unknown people, what would we feel? We probably wouldn't find anything comfortable. Well, it happens to children the same but multiplied by a thousand, because they do not have the ability to reason that we have adults, or our communication strategies ".

"I think it would be very positive that for a week, parents could accompany their children in the classroom for a reasonable time, which I estimate in at least one hour"

"Outgoing children who have no problems with adaptation, will be very good both if they are with their parents, as if they are without them, although surely in the company of their parents they enjoy it more"

"And in the case of children who have a bad time and have anguish for separation, being able to be in a new space and surrounded by new faces but in the company of your parents, will provide security. Logically, this will not prevent separation distress when their parents leave, but this impact will be minimized because the child will have seen that although the environment is unknown to him, nothing has happened. ".

What is the ideal age for parents to be with their children in the classroom the first few days?

"I think The moment in which children most need that contact is between the first and third year of life. That is, the stay in the nursery school and the first course of Pre-school Education After four years I no longer consider it necessary ".

But there are nuances!

Although Mª Victoria explains that this way of making the adaptation would be ideal for children, it also highlights the presence of certain factors that may make it difficulta and that we must take into account. Hence, it is not an extended practice in many centers.

"On the one hand, we must take into account the issue of reconciliation of parents, because not in all jobs we can afford to be absent for at least one hour, to be in the classroom with our children. There are many people for whom this practice would be unfeasible ".

"When for work or personal reasons parents cannot accompany their children in the classroom During the adaptation period, other relatives such as grandparents, uncles or older siblings can be used. But, unfortunately, this is not always possible either, and there are children who really can't count on anyone to accompany them in those days. ".

"Either it is certain that absolutely all the children will be accompanied, or this type of adaptation period should not be carried out, because children who are left alone feel very displaced and have a really bad time."

"It is true that in many schools and colleges, workshops or activities are organized throughout the course that families attend. And we always find cases of families who, for whatever reason, cannot attend. But in these cases the course It is already advanced and the students integrated, so they do not have such a bad time. the incorporation and the first days you have to take care of them, and all children should be on equal terms ".

On the other hand, Victoria also insists on the importance of accompany our children from the background, supporting them emotionally but encouraging them to establish contact with the teachers who accompany them.

"If, for example, our son asks us if he can take a toy he has seen in the classroom, we will tell him to ask the teacher for permission; or if he has any doubts or questions about school, we will encourage him to transfer it to teachers. In this way, parents can help children establish that first confident contact with their teachers ".

For many parents, the "back to school" is synonymous with nerves, doubts and emotions encountered. If you are lucky enough to be able to accompany your little girl in her first days of adaptation, take advantage of it and live it intensely: it sure is a fantastic experience for both of you!

And for those who do not have this opportunity, remember that we can help our children in many other ways, and that we must also trust the teachers who will take care of them during the course, because they will receive our children with the best of smiles and with All your love Happy back to school!

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