At 5 years children solve mathematical operations

It sounds amazing, but children are much smarter than we think. Even babies already make their first steps in arithmetic.

It has been proven that even before having knowledge of mathematics, children who have not yet started primary education, are able to add and subtract two-digit numbers.

If you have a child of this age you can take the test. This was done by researchers from the British University of Nottingham and the American Harvard University with 5-year-old children who were presented with some problems with numbers between 5 and 98.

The questions were of the style, if Fulanito has 56 balls and we take 20 of them, and Juanito has 10 balls, who has more?

Most of the children solved it correctly by approximation, even without strictly knowing the processes of addition and subtraction.

This means that they have the ability to solve arithmetic problems through non-symbolic numerical skills.

I guess it is no longer possible to solve sheets full of addition and subtraction of pencil and rubber in hand (for God's sake!). I want to think that the approach to math today is a more playful issue, that another way of teaching arithmetic is enhanced.

It is possible that your child is a potential mathematician, you just need to arouse a greater interest in numbers through this type of techniques.

Video: Math Antics - Order Of Operations (May 2024).