Raising multiple: forum for parents of twins, twins, triplets and more

It is an initiative that emerged from three women who once found themselves faced with the wonderful and disconcerting situation that they would be multiple moms.

Under the same parenting philosophy, that of attachment, they joined together to create Raising multiple, a participation forum where multiple parents who commune with the same ideology can meet, share experiences and inform themselves.

Provides guidance on pregnancy, childbirth, food, parenting, sleep and education, all fundamental aspects of parenting that multiply when it comes to twins, twins or triplets.

One aspect that worries moms who have two or more babies at the same time is how to breastfeed them. In the section "breastfeeding in multiple" you can find all kinds of information, documents and experiences of other mothers who have gone through it. A very encouraging motto that can be seen on the page is "it is possible if you want".

You can also find advice on the aids that can be accessed by detailed families by autonomous community, both in Spain and Mexico, as well as links to multi-birth associations and large families, recommended books and a new section that I liked a lot: the baby carriers in multiple.

Without a doubt, a very useful resource for parents of multiple who already are or are about to be interested in raising their children with attachment.

Official site | Raising Multiple In Babies and more | For parents of twins, twins, triplets and more In Babies and more | Multiple parents

Video: Mom Has Twins and Then Triplets (July 2024).