Free online course: "The Art of Being a Father" by CSPCC

The Canadian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (CSPCC), who knows a lot about the negative effects of breeding mistakes, has created the online course "The Art of Being a Father"which is an excellent compendium of all information that, at a minimum, future or current parents (and really the whole society) should know.

The objective has been to group, in a single course and with a language very understandable, numerous recommendations that are scattered throughout many books, articles and research.

With this parents have more resources and more light to understand the needs of our children and how to meet them, and to curb the avalanche of urban legends and misinformation that circulates in our culture about parenting and that turns on especially in first-time families: not to take in arms, not to attend to crying, false early socialization, mother-baby separation, etc.

The course provides rigorous and scientific data that is not normally known about the brain, cortisol, the amygdala, defense mechanisms, corporations, consumerism, etc ...

Is available in English, French and Spanish and it is free and open access.

I have discovered it through Marisol Paredes, the author of the Crianza con Amor blog, who is a conscious mother and person committed to this topic, who has volunteered her time and knowledge, and has translated it into Spanish so that these can be disseminated messages in favor of childhood and a better world.

These are the 9 chapters of which it consists:

  1. The birth
  2. Breastfeeding
  3. Separations
  4. Family bed
  5. Loading baby
  6. A second baby
  7. The ghosts in the baby's room
  8. Brain
  9. Our culture

He has not given me time to read it because it is just published but by whom are its parents / creators (Elliott Barker, Rory McGreal, Norm McKinnon, Jan Hunt, Penelope Leach, Burthon White and more, all well known for their books, parenting articles and conferences in North America) I think highly recommended and I am in favor of families accessing extensive information, and then we choose how to raise our children with our personal discernment and instinct.

I have chosen these words from the course translator:

"At the end of reading all 9 chapters one will never see the child again as an inferior being or a bad being by nature, but quite the opposite, we will learn to see it as a good being, a being from which we all have much to learn, because it is not yet contaminated with the bad, negative things of our society.

We will learn to know what are your true biological, genetic and emotional needs of the small human being. It will also help to understand the why of the cycle of violence in the world, which is established in young childhood. The course is based on research and studies of renowned doctors, researchers, scientists and independent authors who seek the welfare of the creature and therefore that of the human being. "

Thank you Marisol for your generosity and hopefully the course will help millions of children be raised with more love and understanding.

Video: top 10 Free Online Courses Websites in 2018 - Free online courses with certificates (June 2024).