The Caponata hen learns about breastfeeding in a Sesame Street chapter

In this video of Sesame Street from 1977, The Caponata hen (Abelardo in Latin America) learns about breastfeeding. The chapter was issued in the United States, I do not know if something similar was issued in Spain.

As a personal anecdote, I can say that sometimes nursing my baby some children approached with great curiosity to ask me "what does the baby do?" and from there they began to ask questions like the ones the chicken does. I find it strange that many children have never seen a "mother giving the tit", that says a lot about breastfeeding.

Then the video and its translation:

-What are you doing Buffy? Fed my baby, she is drinking milk from my chest. -Is it a funny way to feed the baby? Mothers often feed their babies in this way, not all mothers, but many do. The baby likes it because it is beautiful, sweet, hot and natural. - Is that all the baby needs to eat? At the beginning when I was very young this was all I wanted and what I needed, but now that it has grown you need to take other things like mashed fruits and vegetables and a little meat, and when you grow a little more you will need more variety of foods, But for now this is what you need. -You know? It's nice.

Via | Strollerderby

Video: Caponata Meaning (July 2024).