Discomfort in pregnancy: edema

Following on our journey through the discomforts of pregnancy, today it is the turn to edema. Edema is a swelling caused by excess fluid in the tissues, one of the most common evils in pregnant women, which can lead to several consequences, more likely and more pronounced the more advanced the gestation.

However, none of these consequences is usually serious or dangerous for pregnancy unless there are complications. Mild or benign edema affects approximately 75% of pregnant women.

The increase in blood volume and changes in its properties also cause fluid to accumulate in the tissues. Everything will lead to the first signs of edema and the most common: swelling of the ankles and feet, although the hands and face may also be affected. Also a lower need to urinate due to retention. These symptoms usually decrease after nighttime rest, when the body in a horizontal position allows a more fluid circulation.

Swollen feet, ankles or legs are the most frequent signs of edema. As the pregnancy progresses, the pressure of the uterus causes the blood that returns the legs to the heart to circulate more slowly, and this causes the fluid in the veins to be retained in the tissues of the feet and ankles. Sooner or later, most pregnant women will see that start tightening shoes.

Especially with the heat, swelling of the feet and legs can be uncomfortable, and for this we will have to wear shoes of a larger number than usual, which is loose. Shrinking your feet inside a tight shoe will only aggravate the problem.

Even this symptom can be accompanied by annoying cramps. The more freedom we give to the foot and legs, with wide and flexible garments, better for circulation.

Gentle massages that relax the muscles and help circulate fluids will relieve swelling of both hands and feet, legs or face. In the case of the feet and legs, keep them resting high during a good time it will also reduce the volume of liquid retained. Therefore, when we go to bed to rest or sleep it is good to put ample cushions that raise the point of gravity. Rotating the ankles or moving the fingers will also help.

further walk or swim It is good for feet and legs. Of course, when walking to avoid greater swelling of hands it is good to move the arms and place them high by opening and closing the fists so that the liquids do not accumulate due to the balance and gravity. From my own experience I can say that walking along the seashore with cold water massaging the feet and doing arms lift is a great exercise.

Do not cross your legs, exercise gently, drink plenty of water and fruit, eating a balanced diet, are other habits that will relieve edema. For the hands, removing the rings will allow better circulation.

We already extensively treat one of the problems derived from edema, when the swelling occurs in the hands and their joints are compressed resulting in the painful carpal tunnel syndrome. If the pain, numbness and numbness of the hands does not decrease at night, it may be due to this syndrome. In this post I explain many exercises and tricks to relieve it.

One of the less frequent problems, also associated with fluid retention, is ocular edema, which can cause mild blurred vision. However, this symptom may indicate a more serious problem that we will discuss next.

As we have said, these problems caused by edema are very uncomfortable but do not have to be more serious. But nevertheless, excessive fluid retention, which extends to the face, neck and hands, and does not diminish even during the night after lying down for hours, should be communicated immediately to the doctor. It is because this case may be the onset of a kidney disease that can have serious consequences if not treated in time, preeclampsia or pregnancy-induced hypertension.

Also if frequent and prolonged headaches, swelling, acute pain under the ribs, or vomiting problems, blurred vision, or vertigo may occur next to the swelling. signs of preeclampsia, so you should go to the gynecologist immediately.

Fortunately, these annoying symptoms will disappear practically after giving birth. We will see our ankles again and wear our usual footwear in a very short time.

Video: Pregnancy Health Tips : Treating Swollen Feet During Pregnancy (April 2024).