Tell us your story: Happy thanks to Pablito

Today we have in our Paternity stories section, Susana's precious experience. He tells us full of joy, optimism and vitality transmitted by his son Pablo, who has filled his life, and how everything that happened has been worthwhile.

If you, dad or mom, also want to tell us how your experience was, write your story to [email protected].

I am Susana, I am writing to you from Guatemala, I receive emails daily with information on your page, information that I value and I do not stop reading them every day, since you always find some interesting topic and they help you.

I want to tell you the story of the birth of my baby Pablito.

Pablito is already 1 year a month after arriving in the world after a C-section.

My pregnancy was unexpected since I am a single mother and Pablito is my first baby. The news was not pleasant for me or for the dad, because we did not expect it, so strong was the surprise that he moved away from me and I was left with the decision to have it or not, with all the situations against me I can tell you that at When my family found out about my pregnancy, they gave me all the moral support and love that I would have never expected from them. And so my new stage of life began, with many uncertainties of what would happen now, of the fear of being alone without a partner, of the depression in which I fell from the abandonment of my boyfriend at that time and afraid of many changes that were happening in my body day by day. The stage that you go from being someone single to a future mom can be somewhat traumatic for a first time, but thanks to God and the help of my mother who has been so special with me and now with my son I was able to overcome all obstacles and be triumphant.

After spending 40 weeks of a normal pregnancy without any complications, on April 9, 2007 at 4:30 a.m. I broke the fountain, I immediately told my mother what had happened to me, poor thing she became very nervous, which I proved to be the calmest and to give her serenity.

I got up from my bed and took a bath, put on comfortable clothes in what they were getting to take me to the hospital, I entered at 5:00 a.m. Quiet without strong pains. After the respective review I was transferred to the delivery room, of course after the blessing received by my mother.

The doctors who received me were very kind, they connected an electro to see the pulsations of my baby's little heart that was always a bandit that was never heard. And so the pains began to appear, each time a little stronger, I was very calm I just asked God to be quick everything and to get out of this experience, I was dying to meet my baby and tell him how much I love him.

At 12:30, after a review they told me that they had to perform a C-section because I was not dilating much and I had already lost a lot of fluid, they took me immediately to prepare for the operating room, experience that if it was a bit unpleasant since my nerves They betrayed and I was very scared but the doctors reassured me and the caesarean section began. At 12:45 my beautiful baby was born, I could not see him immediately since he came rolled up in the cord and was born blue, they took him to check it.

Being already in my bed at 4:00 p.m. they took my beautiful baby to me, the first person to see him was my mom, she checked him and gave him his first blessing.

From then on I can tell you with much happiness, that my son came to my house to give us light and many joys, as well as experiences. Thanks to God and my family I have come forward with my son, now my life is around him, for him I live, for the run of my work home to see him, every time I look at the door he runs to hug me and receives me With the best smile I could have had before in my life.

With regard to his dad, I don't need it anymore and I don't know if he will need it in the future, what I can tell you is that my love, my trust and my whole being are now around Pablito as we affectionately tell him.

Every night when we play before bed (because he is very hyperactive) I tell him how much I love him and how much I thank God that he is now with me, I don't care about anything that could have happened to me before and now I'm not afraid to face life and his adversities, I have my son by my side and by him and with him I know that I will succeed and triumphant.

Pablito walked at 9 months, and now he looks at me and tells me mom, what I feel when I hear his sweet voice calling me is inexplicable. He hugs me and gives me kisses, we pray together every night and when we finish the prayer he always says Amen.

Video: boy pablo - Everytime (July 2024).