The great responsibility of being a mother: raising or perpetuating the species?

An excellent article worth sharing and commenting was published in the press last week.

This is a text by María Dolores García Sánchez about raising children who wants to make us reflect, and she succeeds, on the role that mothers play today.

In short, it is posed if we raise our children with true conscience, if we train for it and commit ourselves to their upbringing, or if we become mothers by the mere act of reproducing and perpetuating the species.

It locates the mothers of today in two groups according to the relationship they have with their babies: the stivilizing, majority mothers, whom he criticizes without shame, and the gonzalizing mothers, very minority. Obviously, mother types refer to the two popular pediatricians of opposing theories, Eduardo Estivill and Carlos González.

Personally, I do not place myself in one or the other. I have never liked the generalities or pigeonholes, although I am infinitely much closer to the gonzalizers and light years of the civilians, without any doubt.

Specifically, what I suggest is to read the full article because it is not wasted and invite mothers (and fathers also, of course, only that the article talks about mothers) to rethink raising your children, to find out what it is the best for them and to wonder if they are doing what your mother's instinct dictates, without external influences.

Definitely, take maternity and parenting seriously.

Video: The Complete Story of Destiny! From origins to Shadowkeep Timeline and Lore explained (July 2024).