Estivill: "Half an hour is enough"

We all know Dr. Estivill already. You don't need presentations, since your books to teach you to sleep, to eat and to educate through behavioral methods They are well known. To speak of Dr. Estivill is often to open the box of thunder, as he has numerous followers, but he also has numerous detractors.

In a recent interview in the newspaper La Nueva España, Dr. Estivill leaves us with several ideas that show us his way of thinking, whether it be about sleep, eating habits or education in general.

Dr. Estivill released a new book a few months ago, titled To play! in which the author explains ways to learn habits by playing. In the interview he talks about this way of learning from children and relativizes the importance of time in the care and education of children. According to Dr. Estivill, "With half an hour with the child doing things well you can do the same as in many hours when you are with the child but do not pay the same attention."

Maybe it would be necessary to ask the children if they have enough time with half an hour, putting me in the place of a small child, it seems to me that I feel cared for and loved It is not something that can be achieved with 30 minutes a day of concentrated activities, however caring and educating seems easier if a child is allowed to learn from us, by example, and this is achieved, in my view, being with them for a long time, as much as possible, in fact .

Dr. Estivill also comments that his methods work in all children, but that there is a percentage of 10% that does not work "Because either they don't read it completely or they don't both read it, the father and the mother, and if they don't do it that way, it doesn't work." He says, focusing on his method of sleeping, that it is "a tool for parents" and in reference to letting babies cry explains that it is normal to cry intensely, that "It's as hard as the first day you leave it at school" and that "Do not let the child cry because that implies abandonment”.

Analyzing these statements Estivill comments, on the one hand, that it is normal for them to cry and equate it with the moment of entering school. The fact of leaving a child in school is inevitable, and if he cries the only thing we can do is try to dialogue and comfort our son, however, the Estivill method is voluntary, is carried out, or is not carried out, therefore it does not seem like a completely correct comparison.

On the other hand, he comments that although the method allows crying, letting him cry is abandonment, which is an important contradiction in his speech.

I have already commented that Dr. Estivill has a large number of detractors. It is not new and I am sure that among the readers of this post there will be some parents who defend their postulates and others who criticize them openly.

In the interview he was asked about these same criticisms that his book receives Go to sleep kid and Dr. Estivill replied that “Those who criticize my method is that they have not read the book or have read the Internet, which is a forum in which science shines by its absence and in which They can say pedophiles and murderers”.

I don't know if he was referring to a particular forum since he doesn't specify it in the interview. Today the internet is a means of communication used, both by those who follow the methods of Dr. Estivill, as by those who do not follow them, and in various forums, on different pages and in the same Babies and More there are opinions about it for all tastes and all of them are accepted if they are written from respect. Finding Internet users as possible murderers or pedophiles doesn't seem too respectful to me.

Video: El doctor Estivill nos enseña a dormir (July 2024).