50 dead babies in India, guinea pigs of pharmaceutical companies

Today The country collect this news to which I have run out of words, so hard they would be. At least 49 babies have been killed in the last two years in a Hospital of the India while they were used as "guinea pigs" of pharmaceutical companies.

The most chilling thing is that some of the medicines They received were not for their ailments but are also currently contraindicated in children under 18 years and are for diseases that babies do not suffer, such as hypertension.

Various organizations of Human rights They have denounced this fact, of which the health authorities defend themselves, indicating that the babies died of pre-existing health problems and that the parents were read the protocol of the experiment when they did not know how to read or write.

It is really terrifying to think that some companies take advantage of analafabetism and the poverty of parents and that they also do so by playing with the health and life of helpless babies.

The case, which has caused a huge scandal to break out in India, is being investigated, but I am really able to believe that these things happen in a world in which poor countries suffer immense misfortunes while the West feeds on them.

Video: Underground LSD Palace (July 2024).