New Clearblue ovulation test to find out the best time to get pregnant

A few days ago Eva told us about the new Clearblue pregnancy test that has begun to be publicized in Spain. The brand has also released a new digital ovulation test to know more precisely what is the best time to get pregnant.

The difference to being digital is that, as in pregnancy, instead of the typical lines that can lead to confusion, it incorporates a digital screen where the result appears.

It indicates when there is a higher concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine that occurs 24-36 hours before ovulation. Through a digital screen that puts a happy face when an increase in the hormone is detected or a smiley face when it is not detected, identifies which are the 2 best days of the cycle to conceive. Having sex during those two days raises the chances of getting pregnant.

For an optimal result, it must be done every day at the same time during the most fertile week of the cycle. It gives the result in 3 minutes and promises 99% reliability. It has an approximate price of 35 euros, much more expensive than a pregnancy test, but it comes with 7 test strips to be able to repeat it for 7 days.

The important thing for a better result in any ovulation test is to previously identify through the calendar which are the most fertile days of your cycle. There are also natural methods to recognize your period of maximum fertility such as basal temperature and changes in vaginal discharge.

Official site | Clearblue In Babies and more | 28 know your fertile days, How to recognize your period of maximum fertility, Natural fertility methods, Billings or Syntothermal

Video: How to Use the Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test (July 2024).