Breastfeeding Manual

We speak again of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEPED) because today it has presented a new publication of more than 500 pages containing the ABC of breastfeeding prepared by the pediatricians of its Breastfeeding Committee.

He Manual of breastfeeding, From theory to practice It is a book with updated information aimed at professionals from all fields involved in the feeding of babies and parents who decide to breastfeed their children.

According to the AEPED, around 80% of mothers decide to breastfeed their children when they give birth, 68% continue to do so at 6 weeks, 52% at 3 months and only 36% at 6 months of Birth.

The WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months of age and then gradually introducing the first foods to complement the breast, ideally until 2 years. Although prolonged breastfeeding is not as usual as desirable, the longer the breastfeeding period is extended, the more protection against diseases for the child.

The decrease in mothers who breastfeed their babies from birth to 6 months means that unless the mother has decided to stop breastfeeding for another circumstance, in most cases there are "interferences" that prevent breastfeeding maternal To solve these interferences is that the book has been prepared.

The Breastfeeding Manual promises to be a bible on the subject. It contains 44 chapters illustrated with photos in a total of 512 pages in which they speak from the history and physiology of breastfeeding to feeding the nursing mother, medications, the problems of the first days of the baby or how to wean.

Now you can buy in bookstores for a price that is around 50 euros.

Video: Lansinoh Manual Breast Pump - How to Use (July 2024).