Speech delay in children

Parents usually fall easily in comparison. When we see a child who, at 2 years old, puts together phrases perfectly and ours does not, we worry, as is logical.

But we must know that each child has their own rhythm, their character, their genetic inheritance and a greater or lesser degree of stimulation to start talking. However, we should not take it lightly as a delay in speech in the child can be corrected to avoid any major disorder. So, the sooner we detect it, the better.

The simple speech delay It is a lag in the appearance of speech and in the development of expression regarding the chronological age of the child. It is a slow language development that does not correspond to your age, but when can you say that there is a late onset of speech?

It can be said that the child takes time to start speaking when at 2 years and more or less a month 1) does not have more than 50 intelligible words or 2) does not produce sentences of two words.

Let's see what signs we should consider to identify a speech delay.

  • It has an alteration in the organization of language. That is, they are able to pronounce isolated sounds and groups of sounds, but present difficulties in forming words with them.
  • there may be a delay in the acquisition of the symbolic game
  • they are children who do not present other obvious alterations (intellectuals, relationships, motor skills) and their level of understanding is normal.
  • minimize the use of propositions, links and use many phonological simplifications
  • imitates but does not pronounce phrases spontaneously

When he is 3 years old, the child presents these signs, there is talk of a severe specific language delay and when only at 3 or 4 years he pronounces his first words, he speaks of dysphasia, a disorder that prevents the normal development of expression and understanding of concepts.

In any case, if you suspect that your child takes considerably longer to speak than other children his age or presents any of these signs, it is important that you consult with a speech therapist or therapist who will evaluate the problem.

About 14% of children show a late start in acquiring the first words, although then more than half of them will make normal use of language.

There are factors that can predispose a speech delay such as: poor linguistic stimulation, affective-relational problems, problems of adaptation to the use of a second language or problems of swallowing.

Likewise, with adequate speech therapy, children with speech retardation usually evolve perfectly.

For our part, it is important that as parents we stimulate the language reading them books from children, telling them stories, talking to them every day, using a varied vocabulary and encouraging communication, even when it is still a baby.

More information | Psicopedagogia.com, Spanish Association of Speech Therapy, Phoniatrics and Audiology
In Babies and more | Starting to talk

Video: Signs Of Toddler Speech Delay (May 2024).